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Angela Banae Patterson
Jan 10, 20173 min read
Peanut Butter Fudge Cake
Well, how is that for an entry back into the blogging world? No “hello”. No “Sorry I’ve been gone from here for so long”. Just bam…a...

Angela Banae Patterson
Sep 9, 20163 min read
Fun Friday Favorites: Fall fashion and yes…Kickapoo Krunch Bars. THE RECIPE!
Well, hello FRIDAY!! Have I ever mentioned how much I LOVE Fridays??? I heart them. It’s been a goofy week with the holiday on Monday and...

Angela Banae Patterson
Aug 26, 20164 min read
Fun Friday Favorites: I’m back! With a recipe, fashion, and lots more!
Hello friends! It has been FOREVER, I know. While I didn’t intend on taking seven weeks off from blogging (seriously, that was like a...

Angela Banae Patterson
Apr 29, 20163 min read
Fun Friday Favorites: Birthday Week, lemon cake, and my book update
If this hasn’t been a super busy week, then I don’t know what to say. You all. This springtime busyness has me going nonstop. Bob Seger...

Angela Banae Patterson
Jan 22, 20164 min read
Fun Friday Favorites: Puppy Chow (THE recipe) and gold jewelry…it’s the “IN”
You know what’s more fun than getting dental work done? About anything. You see, I had some dental work done yesterday and I feel that...

Angela Banae Patterson
Dec 18, 20154 min read
Fun Friday Favorites: Yummy Christmas recipes
You guys. I can’t believe in one week it will be Christmas. ONE WEEK. I repeat…ONE WEEK. Eeeeeekk! I have a lot of wrapping to do! The...

Angela Banae Patterson
Oct 28, 20153 min read
Graveyard Bars recipe and Grandma Helen’s Fall Party
Sunday night through yesterday, we were up to our necks in the stomach bug and not feeling well around here. Not this mama, but Maxim and...

Angela Banae Patterson
Oct 26, 20153 min read
Well, hello National Pumpkin Day! A few pumpkin favorites…
I had no idea that today is National Pumpkin Day. Yesterday, while shopping at Barnes & Noble (or as Maxim calls it…Barnes & Nobo), I...

Angela Banae Patterson
Jul 30, 20156 min read
Freezing corn, cute kittens, and a near crisis…
Well. Sometimes. Just SOMETIMES…I overreact. You all. Listen. If you had the traumatic incident that I had yesterday while freezing...

Angela Banae Patterson
Jun 26, 20154 min read
Fun Friday Favorites: Laid back fashion and a little basketball
Before I even start with the wonderful Fun Friday Favorites, I feel the need to scream with excitement! We are DONE with many major...

Angela Banae Patterson
Jun 24, 20152 min read
A yummy recipe: Easy Guacamole
It’s been forever since I’ve shared a recipe, but I’m trying to get back into my groove. I’m not promising the moon. Or a five-course...

Angela Banae Patterson
May 15, 20154 min read
Fun Friday Favorites: Random favorites of the week
You have no idea how distraught I am. Last night, we ran to two practices, then came home for baths, bedtime snacks, and after three...

Angela Banae Patterson
Apr 24, 20155 min read
Fun Friday Favorites: Family fun, grilling, and some tasty cookies
This week, I’ve been busy spinning as many plates in the air as I possibly can. Otherwise known as, juggling all sorts of life events...

Angela Banae Patterson
Apr 10, 20154 min read
Fun Friday Favorites: Surprise Cake recipe, spring fashion, and my favorite book
It’s been a busy week and my apologies for only posting twice. Track practice, football practice, meetings, writing my book, and Nate’s...

Angela Banae Patterson
Apr 3, 20154 min read
Fun Friday Favorites: All kinds of Easter goodness and an easy recipe
Today’s Fun Friday Favorites are all about Easter. I’ll highlight some Easter fashion because everyone loves a new outfit for Easter...

Angela Banae Patterson
Mar 26, 20153 min read
Sausage & Cream Cheese Dip recipe and good times with my college girlfriends
Every summer, my college girlfriends and I get together for a long weekend. Over the years, we’ve meet at a variety of places. Pella,...

Angela Banae Patterson
Mar 20, 20153 min read
Fun Friday Favorites: A little fashion and a lot of spring break
Well, I’ve done my best to showcase some great tops for spring. Because we all know that it’s time to organize our closets and move the...

Angela Banae Patterson
Mar 17, 20153 min read
A list of random things
I am going off the beaten path and today’s blog post is a list of things. Because sometimes a list is just fun to read. 1. I’ve...

Angela Banae Patterson
Mar 9, 20155 min read
Weekend Recap: Nate’s 10th Birthday!
Between our “celebrate Nate’s birthday all weekend long”, the time change, two birthday parties, four hours of WIDE AWAKE AND NOT...

Angela Banae Patterson
Mar 5, 20153 min read
Two new recipes…Cheesy Potatoes and Cherries in the Snow
I thought I’d share with you two recipes that you might enjoy for spring. A few weeks ago, we had Hubby’s parents over for dinner. He...
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