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Fun Friday Favorites: Random favorites of the week

You have no idea how distraught I am.  Last night, we ran to two practices, then came home for baths, bedtime snacks, and after three loads of laundry, I was ready to sit down to watch the Season 2 finale of The Blacklist.  I had my little treat and water and a cozy blanket.  Ahhhhh…quiet time to watch the ONE AND ONLY T.V. SHOW I CARE ABOUT.

But do you know what?  It’s completely FRUSTRATING when you realize that your show was DVR’ed for only 33 minutes.  33 minutes.  33 MINUTES!?

I wept.

And then, I went down a plethora of rabbit trails in search of how to watch the season 2 finale of The Blacklist.  NBC didn’t have the episode available yet.  I almost (or may have inadvertently) signed up for some type of Amazon Prime video streaming service in hopes of them having this LIFE-ALTERING episode.  BUT.  Everywhere I looked, no one had the full episode ready to be watched.  At 11:58 p.m. CST, I surrendered the white flag and went to bed.

Bright and early this morning, I checked and sure enough…the finale episode is NOW available to watch.  But in good work ethic form, I started working on this blog instead.  And now, I’m having to use EVERY OUNCE OF WILL POWER in me to not just sit and watch the “Tom Connolly” episode.

Since I’ve told you my feelings about The Blacklist and you now know the inner workings of my mind, I should probably move on to Fun Friday Favorites.

Today, all Fun Friday Favorites are moments that happened this week.  You can go ahead and think it’s because I’m so reflective and tender-hearted, but the truth is, I was too busy last night scouring for the season 2 finale that I didn’t have time to search the internet for darling fashion finds.  I’m sorry, friends.  So sorry.  #priorities

1.  Baseball practice –

Our little baseball player 🙂

At least twice a week, we have baseball practice.  On Tuesday night, Maxim practiced his skills.  This little guy.  Love his enthusiasm for the game, his hat on backwards (because we are serious about this game)…everything.

Big brother working on hitting 🙂

And I love that Nate knows to be productive while it’s Maxim’s practice, so he was working on his hitting skills by himself in the outfield.

2.  Doctor appointments –

This week, both boys had their check-ups (six year check-up for Maxim and ten year check-up for Nate).  We are so blessed to have two healthy and happy boys and we love our pediatrician, Dr. Rick.  He is phenomenal and so good at what he does.

3.  Bunko night –

Love these gals!

Wednesday night, I hosted Bunko.  I’ve been in this Bunko group for over 17 years and I love these gals so much!  A few couldn’t make it, so we played with just eight of us.  I love to host Bunko and our boys love it even more.  They love having all of Mommy’s friends over, the great food to nibble on, and just the excitement of it all.

Great times with great friends!

4.  Baking my first bundt cake ever –

Lemonade bundt cake with strawberry frosting…mmmm


Well, I’ve never made a bundt cake until Wednesday morning.  And though the picture looks hideous (globs of frosting and all)…the cake was delicious.  I got the recipe from one of my favorite blogger’s Shay Shull.  Check out her recipe here (Lemonade Bundt Cake with Strawberry Frosting)

5.  Our lilac bushes –

Our dwarf lilac bush in full bloom

Yes.  You read that correctly.  It’s a DWARF lilac bush.  That has grown out of control.  But it smells divine.  I love the fragrant aroma of our lilacs!

My superb photographer skills (hahaha)

6.  This cute little vase –

Such a cute little vase for flower!

My mom bought this little set of vases in Des Moines and isn’t it just darling?  Mom, if you’d like to comment below, readers will know where to find this vase. 🙂  I had these lilacs in the vases on Wednesday, when I had Bunko.  (The reason the flowers are looking a little droopy this morning. Hahaha)

7.  Nate & Maxim excited to wear new tennis shoes –

Do you remember when you were a child and you got a really cool pair of shoes?  You couldn’t WAIT to wear them to school!  Well, the boys spent their birthday money and bought new KD shoes.  And when they went to bed, they had their shoes out and ready to go. 🙂

Maxim had his KD outfit laid out and ready for school…shoes and all 😉

Maxim had this on his bedroom floor.  Everything he’d need to wear to school on Friday. 🙂

Nate’s shoes were on his nightstand…

Just in case Nate wanted something to dream about, his shoes were close to him…on his nightstand. 🙂

I hope you’ve had a wonderful week and remember to take time to enjoy those sweet moments!  Counting my blessings!  What’s a sweet blessing you are thankful for?

Have a great weekend! ~ Angela Banae


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