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Two new recipes…Cheesy Potatoes and Cherries in the Snow

I thought I’d share with you two recipes that you might enjoy for spring.  A few weeks ago, we had Hubby’s parents over for dinner.  He had smoked some ribs and I made cheesy potatoes, a salad, and heated up some of the corn we had frozen at the end of summer.  It was a delicious meal.  And for dessert, I served Cherries in the Snow.  Dan is a big fan of cherries and Carol doesn’t care for chocolate, so this dessert was perfect!  (Not to mention that cherry desserts are a fav of mine, too!  I’ve been known to eat a can of cherry pie filling because it’s just so good.)

You are probably thinking, “I’ve made Cheesy Potatoes many times…who needs another recipe?”

Well.  I’ve had many versions of Cheesy Potatoes myself, but THIS version that I’ve tweaked is absolutely amazing.  It’s so creamy and delicious.  When my mom and Auntie Elaine were traveling and vacationing in Europe a few years ago, we invited Papa Joe up for a home cooked supper.  He can cook just fine (he’s actually an amazing cook), but it’s no fun eating alone and we wanted some Papa Joe time.  So, he was our dinner guest one evening.  And.  He couldn’t stop raving about how delicious MY Cheesy Potatoes were 🙂

Ingredients needed for Cheesy Potatoes 🙂

Cheesy Potatoes

1 30 oz. pkg frozen hashbrowns

1 16 oz. carton sour cream

1 can cream of chicken soup 

2 c. sharp shredded cheese

1/2 c. oleo melted and 1/4 c. oleo melted (divided)

1/2 tsp. salt

1/2 tsp. pepper

1 sleeve/roll of Ritz crackers

In a large bowl, mix the frozen hash browns, sour cream, cream of chicken soup, and shredded cheese.  Pour the 1/2 c. of oleo over and mix together.  (I used butter this time, which is just fine.)  Add the salt and pepper.  Put into a greased 9×13 casserole dish.  In a small bowl, crush up the sleeve of Ritz crackers.  Pour the melted 1/4 c. oleo over crackers and mix gently.  Put the cracker mixture over top of the cheesy potatoes.  Bake at 350 degrees for 45-60 minutes.  Delicious!

Cheesy Potatoes…mmmmm!  So delicious!!

These Cheesy Potatoes are a great side…serve them with a pan of meatballs, ham, steak on the grill, or whatever…AND they are a great side to take to Easter Dinner.  They are always a hit when I make them!

Next.  Dessert.  Cherries in the Snow is an easy dessert to make and so light and fluffy.  If you love cherry cheesecake, then you’ll love this easier version.

The “crust” layer…


Cherries in the Snow

2 c. graham cracker crumbs

1/2 c. sugar

1/2 c. oleo (melted)

1  8 oz. pkg cream cheese (softened)  

2 c. powdered sugar

2 tsp. vanilla

1  12 oz. carton Cool Whip

2 cans cherry pie filling (or you may use blueberry)

Mix graham cracker crumbs and sugar, add melted oleo and press into a 9×13 pan.  Mix the softened cream cheese and powdered sugar.  Add vanilla and Cool Whip.  Spread over the crust.  Refrigerate for 2 hours.  Spread 2 cans of pie filling over the top and then refrigerate again, until you are ready to serve.  So yummy and light!

A quick and easy dessert that tastes yummy!

Oh, I just love to share recipes that my family loves.  AND especially things that are so quick and easy to make!

Last week’s Cheeseburger Soup was a big hit!  That’s great because I’ll keep sharing more great recipes for you to try!  A shout out to Michelle for making it (thanks for trying it!) and a shout out to Susan!  Susan posted that she made Cheeseburger Soup for her family and loved it…thanks for spreading the word about my blog, Susan!  And thank you, Mr. Creason!  He shared my Cheeseburger Soup link…it’s great to know that people are loving the recipes!!

Maybe I’ve got you thinking of making some yummy Cheesy Potatoes that are so creamy delicious…it’ll knock your socks off 🙂  Or for those of you with a sweet tooth (like me)…maybe Cherries in the Snow is more your style!  So, tell me your thoughts?  Do you like seeing more recipes on here?  I hope you’re enjoying them!  Happy cooking and enjoy your Thursday!


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