It was another busy weekend at the Patterson house. Between birthday parties, house warming parties, Nate’s first football game, and making applesauce…we were non-stop busy.
But I feel like I should share with you about our turtle. And his departure from this earth and going to angelic realms of heaven. When they say to have faith like a child…this is exactly what it looks like. Turtles go to heaven, according to Maxim and Nate.
Let me back up. On Saturday afternoon, we went out to the 240 to enjoy the beautiful fall day. (I am very aware that “technically” it is not fall. Yes, autumnal equinox says September 23rd. Except for one site claims it will begin on September 22. Whatever.) But I feel that once September 1st rolls around, it’s safe to say “we are in the season of fall”. (I will enlighten you with more useless wisdom right now…I just learned that Meteorological fall begins September 1st. I had no idea there was even such a thing….the things I learn while researching important matters for this blog…whew! Exhausting.)
The boys had fun roaming around the 240, exploring, and looking for all sorts of creatures that hop, crawl, or swim. Hubby had some friends stop out, so along with his dad, his uncle from Oklahoma, and a cousin, there was a nice gathering of folks. Here you see Nate and Maxim with their buddy:
Three peas in a pod…exploring the outdoors
Well, after a lot of exploring, they found the cutest little snapping turtle. This thing was about the size of a half dollar coin. After talking them (and the dads) out of thinking this would be a “great pet” to take home, they made a palace (in their words) for him with bricks by the little stream where they found him. (I should mention that the poor little fella had an injured shell from the bb gun. This was unintentional because he was mistaken for a frog.)
Anyway. The little snapper stayed at the 240 and late afternoon, we went home. All the way home, the three boys were discussing how they could purchase an aquarium for the little turtle and keep him for a pet. Not wanting to stifle their dreams, I let them continue brainstorming.
Sunday, we went to church and after lunch, went back out to the 240 because FALL WEATHER. It was beautiful.
Nate and Maxim were so excited to see if their little snapping turtle was still in it’s palace. I prepared them for the worst. IF he was alive, he was probably gone. Swooped up into the Witness Protection Program or in deep woods hiding. Or. He was gone, as in NOT BREATHING. DEAD.
Then, the first miracle happened. We got out of the car and the boys ran over to the creek. HE WAS THERE. And ALIVE. I could not believe it. Well, let me clarify…we weren’t sure if he was actually alive.
Because Maxim (our five year old) is so brave, Nate and I encouraged him to pick the little guy up. To which he did without flinching. Brave, I tell you.
He is BRAVE.
The turtle didn’t move. (At first, we thought something had eaten his little legs off. Then, we saw they were just tucked up under him.)
I didn’t think he was alive, so I told Maxim to lay him on a brick (one of the “palace” walls).
The turtle didn’t move. At all.
We Maxim put him back into the little stream of water. Nothing. That turtle did nothing. Maxim put him back on the brick and I poured some of my bottled water on him (hoping to revive him). Nothing.
So, Maxim set him back in the stream and we walked away. Being the mother who is always looking for a teaching moment, we stopped walking about 12 feet from the little stream where turtle had passed away. And I began the whole life lesson of blah blah blah. (we don’t shot frogs with our bb gun if we aren’t going to eat them, we value life, that poor little turtle is gone…no longer living) blah blah blah.
The boys standing about 12 feet from turtle’s stream, getting an earful of “wisdom” from their dear mother. They appear to be listening…right?
For some reason, after hearing my “we must value life” lecture for 70 seconds, we decided to walk back over to the stream. 70 seconds people. Not three minutes. Or five minutes. 70 seconds MAX.
And that’s when we witnessed the second miracle.
Little snapper was gone. GONE.
“Mom! He went to heaven!” Maxim shrieked.
Bless him. Faith of a child.
Being the doubter, I said, “Now, let’s look closely. He must have been alive! He’s got to be around here somewhere.”
Making sense of this…no. Not at all. I couldn’t fathom what really happened or why. There were no raccoons that came to eat Little Snapper in the 70 seconds that we were maybe 12 feet away. He didn’t bury himself in the mud. Because Maxim dug ALL AROUND in that water and mud, searching for him. Nate and I scoured the little weeds, looking for a glimpse of the turtle. NOTHING. No little tracks. Nothing.
In all of this sweet, crazy outdoorsy story, the beauty is hearing Maxim’s faith proclaimed about this little snapping turtle on his way to heaven.
For a minute, I thought maybe he had been raptured. Then, realizing that we were still here, I knew that didn’t happen.
Now, I have no idea where that turtle is. Seriously. I thought he was dead because the whole time we had him, he never moved. at. all.
And, I don’t claim to be an expert in turtle behavior. (Except that if he was alive, then he played “opossum” very well.)
But hearing our boys talk about Little Snapper going to heaven. The best. Because we all want to go to heaven someday. And the thing is this. (Big, deep breath here. Because I’ve never talked this much about Jesus in my blog as I’m about to in these next sentences…) Having a personal relationship with Jesus is how we’ll get there. It’s not something weird. It’s just that God created us to love Him. To know Him. And to have a relationship with Him.
You may or may not like all of this talk. And if you have a relationship with Him, then YES. That is awesome. The thing is this…I care about you, just like Maxim cared about Little Snapper. If you are searching, or wanting to know and learn more, whatever…I’d love to chat with you. I’m starting up some Bible studies in the next week or so. A morning study for those who are available in the mornings. Or there will be an evening study, for those who work during the day and are able to come after supper. Feel free to join one of our studies.
Because turtles aren’t the only ones who want to go to heaven. Deep down, we all do.