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What's Up Wednesday {03.25.20}

Around here, we are struggling with what day it is.

Just yesterday, I asked our youngest to take out the recycling. (Might I remind you, yesterday was Tuesday. Not Friday, Garbage and Recycling Day.)

Now, normally, when I ask the boys to take out the recycling, the boys know that if it’s not a Friday, then “take out the recycling” means to take the brown recycling sack from under our kitchen sink and put it into our big recycling bin. Well, in this state of disarray we are living in due to Covid19, Max began to take out the big recycling bin to the curb. I had to stop him and remind him that it wasn’t Friday. Yes. As my friend, Bonnie, wrote…we have Pan-de-men-tia. When you can’t remember what day of the week it is during a pandemic quarantine.

But today, I KNOW this is a Wednesday. So, grab your coffee and sit back, relax, and join me for “What’s Up Wednesday”.

1.What we’re eating: Last Friday, I shared with you two yummy recipes. Check them out! Other items on the Patterson menu have been grilled hamburgers, shredded beef sandwiches, Minute Rice, and chicken in our AirFryer.

2. What I’m reminiscing about: This photo came up on my Facebook memories this week…Grandma Helen’s birthday was March 21st. She is celebrating her first birthday in Heaven this year…98 years young!

3. What I’m loving: This more simple life we’ve been forced into living. One positive thing that has come out of the Covid19 has been this time where we have been forced to slow down. To be more present with our families. Our schedules aren’t controlling us and life is being looked at through a new lens. Focusing on the things that really matter in life has been refreshing.

4. What we’ve been up to: This week, we began trying to navigate what our new normal looks like. We began working on school work since schools are closed for the time being, due to Covid19. We’ve read, worked on math and geography, worked a bit on writing, and we’ve found that putting together jigsaw puzzles are so much fun. Going outdoors, riding bikes, and enjoying the fresh air has been our daily highlight.

5. What I’m dreading: Probably like all of you, I’m wondering how long this Covid 19 virus is going to be around. 🙁

6. What I’m working on: I am pondering the idea of doing some DIY projects here around at our house. I have so many ideas…where does one begin?! How about you? Are you starting any projects?

7. What I’m excited about: I shared last week on my Facebook Vlog (I’ve been randomly vlogging on Facebook Live Video on weeknights) that the book I’ve written is in the editing process with the editing team and I am so excited. This Bible study is going to be something that you will want to get your hands on. It’s so encouraging, practical, and will bring so much hope to this messy world we are living in…I can’t wait for it to be published!!

8. What I’m watching/reading: We’ve been watching some great movies that have been family favorites. National Treasure, National Treasure 2 Book of Secrets, and Karate Kid to name a few. As for reading, I shared about the devotional Streams in the Desert for Kids that we love and you can purchase it on this link

9.What I’m listening to: The news. Yes. I’m one of those people…if the t.v. is on during the day, we have the news on. But when I go for my daily run, I like to listen to sermons by Dr. Tony Evans. I’ve listened to one of his latest “What on earth is going on?” and at the very beginning, his son Anthony Evans lead some amazing worship songs. Check it out on YouTube!

10. What I’m wearing: yoga pants, joggers, running tights, repeat. It’s all about comfy clothes around here these days. 🙈

11. What I’m doing this weekend: I’m sure we’ll get out and enjoy the great outdoors. Maybe some side by side riding, some exploring in the woods, or some bike riding. On Sunday, we’ll go to church…right in our own living room! Anyone else so happy that their church is doing online worship services during these troubled times?!

12. What I’m looking forward to next month: Easter! Whether we will be in our church building or in our own living rooms, we will be celebrating Jesus and His resurrection. Easter is one of my favorite times of the year. I’m reminded of the hope that Jesus brings. Spring begins to show off all of its beauty. The weather gets warmer. So many things we can look forward to!

13. What else is new: I’m back blogging, as you can see. I haven’t quite figured out how often I will blog each week, but it definitely feels so good to be back on here. I’ve missed you all!

Jot a comment below about what you’ve been up to! Or comment on the Facebook post! I love seeing what all of you dear readers are doing to fill your time.

Have a wonderful Wednesday!

xo ~ Angela Banae

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