We had a nice weekend filled with lots of my favorite things. Saturday, after Maxim’s baseball game, I drove to my parents’ house to see my mom for Mother’s Day. I knew I wouldn’t be able to make it down on Sunday for the BBQ they were having at my Uncle C.E. and Aunt Debbie’s, so I wanted to see my mom and give her some Mother’s Day gifts.
We had a wonderful afternoon spending time together, laughing, and just cherishing the beautiful relationship we’ve been blessed with. I know I’m so fortunate to have a great relationship with my mom. She is such a godly woman who has raised my brother and I with so much love. I am the person I am today because of my mom’s godly, loving influence. Love you, Mom!
Sunday rolled around and we went to church, then when we got back home, Hubby and the boys surprised me with sweet cards and gifts.
I’m delighted to share that I received the CUTEST and MOST wonderful homemade gifts from the boys for Mother’s Day. #thebest
Nate made a darling card in the shape of a flower pot with flowers growing up out of it, on a string. And my favorite…when he spelled LOVE he made the o into a heart. So clever! I remember doing that for my mom when I was a little girl 🙂
Maxim made a sweet book of writings and drawings for me, along with a card. He is such a sweet writer! And because he likes to go over the top (he may have gotten that from me), he felt the need to whip up one more card in 64 seconds at the kitchen table (hence, the one pink marker used for everything…the words, the sun, the grass, him, me, everything). And I loved what he told me it said (his words EXACTLY): “You’re the best mom in the whole in-tired world.” Yes, a mom’s world is always tired. 🙂
Hubby spoiled me with a beautiful bracelet and sweet gifts from my favorite boutique. (Jodi K’s is a fav of mine!) And he made lunch for me (grilled hamburgers…yum). Then, after Nate’s football game, they treated me to dinner out at The Olive Garden. (Never mind that we felt like we were getting in on the senior discount by going at 4:12 in the afternoon. Hey. We beat the supper crowd. Seriously, it was packed.) We concluded the late afternoon by stopping by one of my favorite places…Barnes and Noble. Or as Maxim calls it: Barnes and Nobo. I LOVE LOVE that place. Not to mention that I’m just dreaming of the day when I will be able to tell you all “I’ll be having a book signing on blah blah blah night at Barnes and Noble, so stop by and see me!” #dreamswillcometrue
After a wonderful Mother’s Day, I am happy to celebrate today…a very special birthday…
Happy Birthday Angela Banae (the blog. Not me.)!!!!
You all. I can’t believe that I’ve been writing on this blog for a year now. Seriously, when I started this, Hubby was very skeptical. Because I tend to do something at 180% for about two weeks and then, it slowly falls off my radar. Yes, persevering and sticking with something isn’t always my strength.
For instance, my T-25 work outs. I did those fairly religiously every morning for about five weeks back in the fall, until I realized that T-25 and I needed to take some time away from each other. Then, it just ended in a big ol’ break up.
Another example? The “chores chart” I made one summer for the boys. That lasted about three weeks. Listen. I can only check off the BED MADE item about fifteen times and then I’m over it. Done. Just make the bed, ok?
I could go on and on about all of the things I’ve tried and never stuck with, but that would be a very long list.
But this. This blog. I love it.
I guess you could say that when you find your passion and love for something, you just WANT to do it. And that’s it. I love writing. Posting on here. Being your friend. And you being my friend. 🙂
Hopefully, I make you smile, laugh, and encourage you in all of this life stuff. And I will tell you that when you comment on here, like it on Facebook, or tell me in person that you liked something…those compliments mean the world to me. They make my heart all BIG AND FULL OF LOVE for you guys.
So, thank you dear friends. From the bottom of my heart. For stopping by the Angela Banae blog and reading the posts and just plain “doing life with me”. Together, may we continue to encourage each other and laugh together and sometimes, cry together. Let’s continue to shop Fun Friday Favorites together, bake together, and reminisce together on good family times.
Because I live in the years where we are watching Disney movies and other appropriate kid movies (hahaha – life of a mom), I felt it necessary to show one of my all-time favorite movie clips…from The Fox and The Hound. As Big Mama said, “When you’re the best of friends…I hope it never ends.” You, me, and this blog…
Happy Birthday to my blog and I’m wishing her many more years of joy and happiness!
And to all of you…thanks for always being a friend… xo Angela Banae