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Take a Trip Tuesday: Meet Amy Ferguson-Miller

Hi and welcome back to Take a Trip Tuesday!

Each Tuesday, we take a trip. Go meet someone and do what I do best. Ask them TONS of questions. We’ll find out about this person and perhaps some great places about where they live…just in case you want to go and visit their town…so come with me on a little road trip.  Today, we’ll travel to eastern Iowa to meet a dear cousin and friend of mine.

I’d like to introduce to you ~ Amy Ferguson-Miller

What is your current job title?  I’m a hairdresser at Europa Salon/Spa in Coralville, Iowa.  I’ve been a hairdresser for 24 years and love it.  I get to wake up everyday and enjoy my job.

Share with us about your family.  My family is my world.  My parents are the best parents anyone could dream of.  They’ve been married 50 years this September.  They have exemplified what marriage is all about.  Love, support, God, patience, kindness and sooooo many other important things that keep a marriage and our family solid.  I grew up in the country, went to school in a small town.  I had the BEST childhood.  I grew up with two incredible, over protective, loving brothers who have, and continue to always be there for me.  They are both married and have incredible families.  My nieces, nephew and great-nephew are awesome kids.  As for me, I have been fortunate enough to have fallen in love twice in my life.  I was married many years and had my daughter Raquel.  She is perfect in every way.  She is kind to everyone she meets and reminds me how lucky I am every day.  I married once again to Chad, the love of my life.  He has been my rock in this crazy amazing journey we call life.  We welcomed our daughter Tess into the world 3 years ago.  She is an angel from above, she adores her amazing big sissy and continues to fill our lives with love, hugs and kisses.  Blessed beyond.  God has been good to me.

Amy, her parents, and brothers

Chad and Amy

You are living in North Liberty, Iowa.  Where are three places everyone should go if they come to visit your town?  Kinnick Stadium on a crisp autumn Saturday. Pagliais Pizza for a Palace Special cut into squares.  My home.  Our doors are always open to friends and family anytime you are close by.

What is something you love about your home?  The way it smells.  It’s a big mixture of all my favorite things wrapped up in”home”.  It’s my safe spot.

Share with us what your favorite meal is. Hot beef sandwich with mashed potatoes and gravy. Tell us about an amazing place you have visited.  Grand Cayman Island.  Slice of heaven.  I believe everyone has their favorite little corner of the world, that is mine.

What is currently on your DVR?  You mean my VCR…HAHA. Mickey Mouse

Your favorite books of all time?  Bible, Fireflies by David Morrell.

Share with us a funny memory from long ago. This could pertain to elementary school, high school, or last week…  I trip, fall down, face plant, biff it on a weekly basis, sometimes daily.  I come from a long line of not-so-graceful genes.  Once walking across the street to get lunch in between clients, I lost my balance, fell too far forward and”trip ran” to the ground, broke a heel and watched it fly under a car that was stopped at a red light.  I knocked on their door and asked them to pull forward so I could retrieve my broken heel.  Never mind my bloody knee and palms of my hands…gotta get that heel so the shoe dr can fix it.  I limped back to work, with my lunch and my heel.  Girls gotta do what a girls gotta do!


Okay, give it to us straight up. What are your top five go-to snacks?  Sharp cheddar cheese, salami, Combos, Doritos, and fresh guacamole.

If you had to live somewhere else in the world, where would it be and why?  Closer to my parents. I miss them everyday and wish I could drop by everyday..

Three things you’d take if stranded on a deserted island… my family, my phone, and lipstick

What are four items that are always in your refrigerator or pantry?  Peanut butter, cheese, pasta, milk

What is your favorite thing to cook, grill, or bake?  Love to make homeade meatballs and sauce

What are you really good at?  Being a mom.

Amy and the girls

Favorite sport?  Softball/baseball

What is your favorite season and why?  Autumn-it’s beautiful

What are your favorite reads?  People magazine, Vogue, US Weekly, my children’s writing.

Your top three favorite songs of all time?  Amazing Grace, Don’t Stop Believe’n, anything Rick Springfield

What is a memory you have of me (us)?  Oh Ang, growing up as cousins, we have sooooo many.  Overnights, family get togethers, we’ve had so much fun….

Well, that wraps up our interview.  Amy, thank you so much for sharing about YOU!  You are a wonderful cousin AND an amazing friend!  We’ve had many great memories growing up and it’s because of you that I LOVE Rick Springfield soooo much.  (I don’t know how I can ever repay you??  One of my favorite memories is of us at Rick’s concert down at Riverside and we were up in the very front by the stage, singing along to every song, knowing every word.)  Thank you for being a guest on this blog!  Next week, we’ll look forward to meeting another person!

Remember, be thinking of how you’d answer all of these questions because I’ll probably be asking to interview YOU sometime soon! Finding out the little details about people…that’s what makes life so beautiful and interesting!!


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