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Happy 8th Birthday Maxim!

Dear Maxim,

It’s hard to believe that today you are 8 years old. EIGHT!!! Time is flying by so fast!! I can remember the day you were born so vividly. My water broke at 7:00 while we were eating Papa Murphy’s pizza and you meant business because three hours later, you arrived at 37 1/2 weeks! You came into the world at 10:15 p.m. and from the moment you were born, you had Daddy and I wrapped around your little finger. Instantly, we could tell what a sweet spirit you have…so content and so lovable!

Maxim Sage…7 lbs. 11 oz.

I love looking back at the many baby pictures we have of you. You were such a happy, easy-going baby. I remember my cousin, Annie, asking me when you were about six months old if you ever cried. It was hard for me to think of a time you actually cried because you were SUCH a happy baby!

Chillin’ on our deck

Our cute chicken 🙂

Love these boys!

Sweet Maxim Sage 🙂

At the State Fair…we love John Deere!

Such a cute little guy!

I love this verse…”For this child I prayed, and the LORD has granted me my petition which I asked of Him. 1 Samuel 1:27″ We prayed for you and God blessed us so much when He created YOU!

We love watching you and your big brother play together. You and Nate are truly blessed to not only be best brothers, but also best friends. And being a mommy to you and Nate is the BEST job I’ll forever love.

Best buds 🙂

Christmas time with big brother 🙂

Max with big brother Nate

Maxim, watching you do what you love is such a joy. You love basketball, football, running, and being outdoors. And, oh, you are an animal lover of cute kittens,  sweet puppies, and all varieties of wildlife! You just can’t get enough of learning about wildlife!

Maxim and Daisy…Summer 2016


Maxim and Daisy on her 1st birthday, April 25

Maxim with his favorite kitten, Leo

Ready to go hunting…

Daddy and the boys going deer shed hunting

Our Ranger trip to Wisconsin…May 2016

June 2016…at Papa Joe’s and Grandma Melanie’s pond…nice catch!!

Maxim, your speed amazes us!

Basketball is your fav 🙂

Football is a BIG love of yours!

Maybe someday you’ll be wearing your own Super Bowl ring!!!

As you continue your love for football, basketball, hunting, the great outdoors, being with family and friends, and playing with Daisy, remember…you are loved so much by us and even more by God.

I love you, Maxim!

Maxim, you have a heart that is so tender and full of love. And you love Jesus so much. That is the most important thing in the whole wide world, Max. Always keep your eyes on our Savior and seek Him in all you do.

Keep on loving God and loving life, Maxim Sage!

“Trust in the LORD with all your heart, And lean not on your own understanding; In all your ways acknowledge Him, and He shall direct your paths. Proverbs 3: 5-6”

Praying God will continue to bless you GREATLY and looking forward to an AWESOME year of you being 8! We love you so much, Maxim! Happy, HaPpY Birthday Maxim!

We love you always!!

Mom and Dad



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