You know what’s interesting? That EVERY SINGLE GAS STATION within an eight mile radius of me does not stock Rice Krispies. I know. Real world problems.
Before I share about my Scotch-a-roo problems, I should talk about our supper. In honor of Cinco De Mayo yesterday, we were going to have tacos for supper. Because we like to appreciate and recognize other countries’ holidays. (I’m sure we were like every other American who thought it’d be clever to cook tacos for supper…to celebrate this grand holiday.) But while we were outside doing some yard work, we could smell the deliciousness of our neighbor’s grill. So, Nate thought grilling hot dogs sounded better than tacos. I was onboard except that our propane tank to the grill was empty.
The boys and I loaded up and drove seven miles, to Casey’s Gas Station. I was able to exchange my propane tank and buy a full one. While in the store, I thought I’d better buy some hot dog buns. Because that makes a grilled hot dog even better.
With our full propane tank and package of buns, we headed for home. Hubby got home and after some more yard work, we grilled hot dogs and I fixed some extravagant sides for supper. (That would be Minute Rice and some celery, for our greens.)
“Wow. We’ve got enough buns,” Hubby said as he looked at the TWO packages of buns laying on the counter.
“Yah. I didn’t realize I had some in the cupboard and so I bought some at Casey’s, when we were getting the propane tank. I didn’t want to ruin our grilled hot dog supper with no buns,” I told him.
Friends, we had enough buns. 16 buns…enough for a small army.
After a delicious supper of grilled hot dogs on fresh buns, with yummy white rice (because the boys LOVE rice), and some healthy celery to even out the food pyramid, I decided to make Scotch-a-roos. For the boys, of course.
I started cooking the sugar, Karo syrup, and peanut butter. I got out the packages of butterscotch chips and semi-sweet chocolate chips. Then, I got out the box of Rice Krispies. Shook it. It was half full. Or half empty. Whatever.
Not throwing myself into a panic, I looked for that other box of Rice Kripsies “that I just KNEW I had in the cupboard”. No. No other boxes. I looked in our laundry room on our storage shelves. No Rice Krispies. Rice Chex? Yes. Crispix cereal? Yes. But not an inkling of a box of Rice Krispies.
I hopped in Hubby’s truck and ran to the gas station. They had NONE. In a desperate decision making moment, I took a left and headed towards the Casey’s that I visited earlier that evening to get the propane and extra bag of hot dog buns. I was well aware that I was driving an extra seven miles out of the way to get Rice Krispies, but SCOTCH-A-ROOS people. I had them almost complete, minus the cereal.
As I drove towards Casey’s, I decided to call the Casey’s clerk and have her look for the box. I would even take a box of corn flakes, I told her. She had nothing for me.
In the meantime, I called two friends and put an emergency text out to five friends. The two friends had nothing for me and I hadn’t heard back from all five friends, so I drove to a THIRD gas station. And you know what? They didn’t have Rice Krispies either.
As I got into the truck, I saw that Courtney had texted me the most beautiful text EVER. She had a box!! Yes, my dear friend who lived only two blocks from my house. And here I was eight miles from home. I almost cried tears of joy.
And you know what? In all of this craziness, I can’t believe how I could overbuy on hot dog buns and underbuy on boxes of Rice Krispies. This isn’t fairing well. I may have to resort to Hubby’s theory and buy in bulk. Our grocery bill might go up 76%, but I WILL have Rice Krispies on hand for that desperate moment…when one needs to make Scotch-a-roos.