Well. I didn’t post a Weekend Recap. Or anything on Tuesday. Or Wednesday. But friends. I know when you hear how swamped I’ve been, you’ll have a little grace for me. Except that I cannot say I’ve been swamped with important tasks like cleaning closets, volunteering at charitable places, or remodeling a home. No. I’ve been busy with hair appointments (my roots were looking pretty bad. Just keeping it real.), laundry, getting groceries so my people can eat, attending boot camp, eating way more chicken than I care to eat, and other pressing tasks.
So, here is what we’ve been up to lately…
Last Friday, we went back home to visit my mom and Grandma Helen. Both had been in the hospital (Mom for about a week and Grandma for about a week and a half) and the boys and I brought yummy soup, Panera bread, and fresh fruit to share. I’m happy to announce that Grandma Helen is doing better after falling and her pain from the compressed fracture is not near as intense. My mom had a bacterial infection due to food poisoning and was very sick. The bacterial infection resulted in bacterial colitis (but for a few days we didn’t know and the doctors had taken a biopsy, telling us it would either come back as cancer or colitis. Those were not fun days of waiting, but we were trusting in God! Praise God it was colitis, which can be treated with antibiotic and a mild diet.) Each day, she is doing better, but having been hooked up to an I.V. for about a week has really sucked the energy right out of her. I’d love your prayers for their continued healing!
The rest of last weekend, we spent time boating in the river, hanging with friends at their pool, and swimming at a birthday pool party.
Maxim and Brock chillin by the boat 🙂
Nate was ready to do some serious digging with the sand bucket 🙂
Then, along came Monday. And today is Thursday!? Yikes. This week has been a big old blur of the normal stuff. Groceries, laundry, picking up the house, hair cuts for the boys, hair appointment for me, and some bland grilling and cooking. I’d fill you in on some delicious grilled chicken recipes, but I’ve not perfected the perfect “no carb” chicken marinade yet. If you’d like a bland grilled chicken recipe, then I’ve got one for you. Hahaha #notachef
Hair appointments for the boys and me
Last night, I did get to see my dear friends who I’ve loved for over seventeen years. We had Bunko at Angie B’s house and oh. my. word. She had delicious food and we all had a lot of laughs and stories to tell. Love those gals…they’ve been my rocks for so many years.
Heading to Bunko last night…I haven’ seen them in two months…I was a little excited to see my friends! (I sent this pic to the gals to let them know I had the Bunko Bell…)
Today, the boys and I will be getting a few more items for their exciting “Setting lines in the river and camping with Daddy” weekend. See, I have my annual Girls’ Reunion Weekend with my college friends at Riverside Spa and Golf Resort. So, Daddy is starting a tradition and he’s taking the boys to the river to set bob poles and camp all weekend. His high school buddy, Kirk, and Kirk’s two oldest sons are going, too.
This means I’ve got a lot of baking to do today. Well, maybe not baking, but making No-Bake Cookies. For the boys to have and for me to take. Those cookies are the bomb.
Now, here’s the thing about this coming weekend.
I believe Hubby has spent a significant amount of cash for this fishing and camping weekend. He is pumped to show the boys what fishing on the river is all about. And by his spending, I can tell he means business. New tent, new lights for the boat, new bob poles, and that’s just what he has bought. We started buying all of the necessities yesterday (think toilet paper (A MUST), S’mores ingredients, hot dogs and buns, chips, breakfast muffins) and we’ve got more to purchase today. But I’m completely fine with all of this enthusiasm and spending. Because the boys and Hubby have been so excited for this weekend…spending time together doing something Hubby grew up doing. (And for the record, I grew up doing this, too. Not to mention that Hubby and I used to do this together way back when, before we had kids.)
As for my weekend. Oh boy. I can only imagine that when I meet up with my college besties Friday afternoon, we will laugh and laugh and have the usual time of our lives hanging out for a solid forty-eight hours. I’m sure I’ll have laryngitis Sunday afternoon as proof of the fun time and increased levels of laughing, talking, and trying to talk over one another…a sure sign of a great time.
And that’s what we’ve been up to lately. A little bit of everything. And…in ONE DAY…a BIG FUN weekend to be had by all. #countdowntofun