Test. Test. I think this is on. Yes. The computer IS working. Good.
I’m so sorry that I only posted ONCE last week. I know. I am ashamed. Generally, I post my Weekend Recap and my Fun Friday Favorites and sometimes, I squeeze in another blog post. But last week. You all. It was a week that just took a lot out of me.
The main thing that had this mama bear all wound up in knots is that our little baby bear, Maxim, has been having stomach issues. Daily he is complaining of his tummy hurting and when your child is hurting and you don’t know why…that’s enough to put any mama bear ON EDGE.
I won’t make this post completely about Maxim’s tummy issues, but I’ll share what’s been going on (minus the bathroom details that no one likes to share). Ever since he got sick back in November, he has complained daily of his tummy hurting and feels like he could throw up. So, we went to the doctor in early December. Then, back in early January. And again, in January. And again. And. Yes. You get the idea.
Last week, we started Zantac to see if it would give any relief to his little tummy. And I also pleaded for prayers. You guys. Look at this:
(Okay, I just saw the typo…this GAS gone on for over eight weeks. It’s suppose to be HAS, but WHATEVER. Gas has gone on for that long, too.) 😉
I posted this Facebook post and all I can say is WOW. Look at all of the friends and family concerned for our little guy! Many offered helpful suggestions, which I sooo appreciate. Many just gave the post a “Like”. I know it’s because of so many prayer warriors praying for Maxim that he’s starting to feel a little bit better. (So, continued prayers would be appreciated…until we kick this tummy issue.)
It’s times like this when you need some encouragement. Then, God pours down so many thoughtful friends and family members to let you know that they are thinking of you and praying for your son. #blessed
On Friday, I really wanted to blog about my Fun Friday Favorites, but as soon as the boys were on the bus, I scooted back home to pick up our quarter of beef from the locker. So, no blogging about cute Valentine decor that I saw at Von Maur (though I will share about it this Friday). No, my friends. I was off to get some beef.
Knowing I was going to be around my hometown, my mom and I made plans to make a fun day out of me getting the beef and spending quality time together. So, I drove to Oskaloosa and met my mom at Jaarsma Bakery. The idea of meeting at Jaarsma Bakery was completely MY idea, of course. You can’t go back home and NOT swing into Jaarsma Bakery for some delicious frosted Miss Piggy sugar cookies!!
The BEST bakery EVER. Jaarsma Bakery. Look at ALL of the delicious bakery items!
So I bought some Dutch Letters, a couple pecan rolls, and frosted sugar cookies.
Treats for the boys (and me)
I should mention for those of you who aren’t Jaarsma Bakery connoisseurs, the main bakery is in Pella (where Hubby and I went to college) and their little satellite bakery is in Oskaloosa (where they daily deliver baked goods to). So take your pick and stop in either town, but make sure you STOP. You’ll thank me.
After stocking up on baked goods, we went to Leighton to the meat locker. It was so nice to spend some time with my mom. We always laugh and laugh about the silliest things. After becoming a quarter of a beef richer, we went back to Oskaloosa and went to a few shops.
Mom took me to this delightful little shop called 804 Decor.
A darling boutique in Oskaloosa!
They have so many great things that one can buy at this shop! Jewelry, candles, home decor…the list is endless.
Mom and I each found these bracelets called Gingersnap bracelets. I had JUST heard about them last Wednesday from my friend, Michelle, at bible study. She had one and it was so neat! Well…this antique bracelet was just too cute. So, Mom and I each bought one. Along with the four snap accessories of our choice. Maybe I’ll highlight mine in this week’s Fun Friday Favorites…
I love this Gingersnap bracelet! Just snap on a few Gingersnap accessories and you’re all dazzled up!
After shopping a little, we met my Grandma Helen for lunch at Taso’s. It was such a nice afternoon with two of my favorite ladies on EARTH. My heart was all big and full of love.
After lunch, we browsed at Hunter’s Gifts and then, I got back on the road to drive home. But driving home wasn’t as easy as it sounds when you have this in your back seat…
The Jaarsma Bakery box of cookies was just BEGGING me to eat a cookie.
So, Miss Piggy and I enjoyed the drive back home. Mmmmm….love those cookies!
And now. We are the proud owners of some yummy cookies (which are almost gone) and a freezer full of beef. This is why Hubby and I balance each other out so well. I’m all about the cookies and he’s all about the steaks and hamburger.