I want to thank all of you for commenting on Friday’s blog about the awesome home decor that my friend Mandy designs! Thank you for sharing it on your Facebook page and for becoming a subscriber to my blog (if you aren’t already). It was fun to hear what items you loved and I was so happy to highlight Making It Mandy’s on the blog!
And the winner of Friday’s GIVEAWAY is….Karrie Hamling!! I will be contacting her and letting her know that she is the winner of this awesome sign…
I love this sign!!
I hope your Valentine’s weekend was filled with flowers, hearts, and other various Valentiney gifts. Perhaps you received a ginormous Valentine’s Day card? Or a box of chocolate covered cherries? However you spent it, I hope it was great.
Our Valentine’s Day started out with two excited boys soooo curious to see what was in their Valentine’s Day gift bags. (If you don’t know, giving gifts is one of my love languages. If you haven’t heard of The Five Love Languages book, check it out by Gary Chapman. As for me…I just LOVE to give gifts and make people feel special!)
On Saturday morning, I woke up and made heart shaped bacon and heart shaped pancakes for Hubby and the boys. I even cut out construction paper hearts and sprinkled them all over the table…it was a sweet breakfast with my three favorite guys! 🙂 (I had every intention of posting the pictures, but evidently our 125 iPhone charging cords that we own are LOST. Seriously. Is my house the only house that ‘misplaces’ the cords? So, without the cord, I couldn’t download my pics. Friends. The struggle is real.)
After opening Valentine’s Day gifts, we got ready and went to Nate’s basketball game. It was fun to cheer Nate’s team on to another victory.
The rest of our weekend went by fast and here we are today…Monday. No school (it’s a teacher work day) and I plan to have the boys and I do something fun. Because though we will do our share of cleaning and chores, those things aren’t fun!
Happy Monday and remember to CHOOSE JOY…make it a great day!