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Weekend Recap: Small town fun…3rd of July festivities in Marengo and more!

I feel like I’ve been on a small-town tour…New Sharon, then Oskaloosa, and next up was Marengo.  Friends, that is what you call “Living the good life”.

We continued to show our love for small towns over the weekend by hitting up Marengo on Friday evening.  They had their annual 3rd of July Celebration which included a lot of yummy food in the park, a great parade, and awesome fireworks.  I was not great at taking pictures, but I did snap a few.  Or maybe two.

Nate and his best buddy Brock with a COOL car in the background 🙂

This car was in the parade and the boys thought it was SOOO COOL.  I don’t know about you, but my cool car radar is on high alert now that I’m a mom of two boys.  🙂  Nate and Maxim can spot a Mustang, Camaro, or some other cool car about ten miles away.  Brock was right there with Nate…they were digging this car!

Patrick visiting with the Rathjen family…great friends…a great family 🙂

This family…such great friends.  Patrick went to high school with Kirk and Kyle, and even after the many years of being away from Marengo, they all make time to get together.  There’s always a lot of laughs when these guys get together!

After the parade, we went to the high school football field with our great friends the Harders and Hesses.  Being the fine photographer that I am, I didn’t take a single picture of the fireworks.  But I did take a picture of what Maxim found in the playground before the fireworks began…

A nest of baby bunnies

On Saturday, the sun was shining and Hubby wanted to take our river boat out on the Iowa River.  We packed up the boys and I made some sandwiches and we were off.

Ready for a fun day on the Iowa River!


Kirk and their oldest sons, Cole and Caleb, were setting poles in the river, so we met up with them.  What a great day we had!  I only wish that Ashley and little Calvin, along with Fran and Kyle and their two kids, could have been there.  Not sure where we all would have fit on our small boat, but it would have been fun!

The boys caught leopard frogs, besides catfish!

A great day enjoying the great outdoors!

River life…good times

Sunday, we went to church and then, loaded the boat back up and hit the river again.  More fun on a beautiful, sunny day!

Jumping in!

Having so much fun!

The water was a little cold, but that didn’t stop these two!

Lots of swimming and splashing 🙂

A great weekend celebrating the 4th of July!  Here’s to small towns, great friends, and great times!


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