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Weekend Recap: Maxim’s 6th Birthday!

We have partied like nobody’s business around here and it’s hard to believe that our baby is turning six today.  I can’t believe how fast time is flying.

We had a great weekend celebrating Maxim’s birthday and we’ll continue to celebrate through tonight…because this is his actual birthDAY.

For starters, I feel like I should make one thing clear.  I have eaten cake like it’s my job.  All.  Weekend. Long.  Seriously, I might have a problem.

In typical birthday tradition, I made the birthday cakes for Maxim.  Yes, you read that correctly…CAKES.  As in PLURAL.  One cake for his little friends’ party and one cake for the family party.  I used the best recipes to make Maxim’s birthday cakes and of course, the homemade, spectacular frosting (Best Cake Ever recipe and Best Frosting EVER).  Each year, I have the boys pick out their birthday cake theme and this year, Maxim changed his mind approximately ninety-two times.  But as of last Thursday, he was set on this year’s cake…a wolf cake to celebrate his 6th birthday.  I tried to talk him out of this because we made a wolf cake last year, but he insisted.  So, we tweaked the wolf theme and this year, we nixed the creek with ducks swimming in it.  He only wanted a meadow.  With the wolves eating a bloody deer (just like last year).  He was thrilled about his wolf cakes.  Now, no laughing at my decorating…I’m not the best decorator, but they sure do test yummy!

Maxim’s cake for his birthday party with his friends

Maxim’s smaller birthday cake…to celebrate with the family

Saturday, we had a party with his friends at AirFX Trampoline Park.  It was so much fun!  They jumped for an hour, then we had pizza and cake.

Maxim and his kindergarten buddies

CrAzY kIdS!

Ready to eat!

Maxim opened up a lot of fun presents and got lots of cash (perfect for our little saver)!

Showing off the present Carver gave him…he loves animals!

Maxim with the birthday gang! Such a fun time with his friends and big brother!

My bestie managed to get one family picture of us.  Can you tell I jumped right along with the kids?  (CrAzY hair!! hahaha) 😉

Birthday boy and the family 🙂

Then, we passed out his party favors…nets to catch bugs or frogs, insect carriers, and a bag of sour gummy worms…bugs, frogs, and worms…some of Maxim’s favorite things! 🙂

Party favors to give his friends

After a fun birthday party with his friends, we came home and got ready for the family birthday party.  The grandparents came over Saturday evening and we had a taco bar, chicken enchiladas from Carlos O’ Kelly’s (because this mama was tired and didn’t want to make them), chips and salsa and guacamole, a fruit tray, veggie tray, and of course, cake and ice cream.

Love this little guy!

Ready to open presents!

Then, I snapped some pics of Maxim with his grandparents. 🙂

Maxim with Great Grandma Helen

Maxim with Grandma Carol and Daddy

Maxim with Grandma Melanie and Papa Joe and Nate (with his blue lips…he was eating blue frosting Hahaha)

It was such a nice birthday party and Maxim was such a happy birthday boy!

And today…Maxim is six years old!  We’ve partied all weekend and tonight, we’ll party a little more to celebrate this charming, lovable boy!  God has blessed us so much with two sweet boys and as I think back to six years ago, I can remember Maxim coming into this world so clearly.  It was one of the best nights of my life.  I am so thankful that God picked me to be Nate’s and Maxim’s mom.  #blessed

Now…WARNING.  I kept finding more and more pictures to share, so I apologize for the lengthy post!  Here’s a look at some of my favorite pictures of our sweet little birthday boy!


Maxim Sage…7lbs.11oz. born April 27, 2009 at 10:15 p.m.

S-T-R-E-T-C-H!!  One of my favorite pics…

Chillin’ on our deck

Love his blue eyes 🙂

Brotherly love

More brotherly love 🙂

Maxim’s 1st birthday

Love these boys!

At the State Fair…we love John Deere!

Our cute chicken 🙂

They love to fish!

Love our boys!

Daddy and the boys

Maxim riding his four wheeler

A boy and his frogs…(frog hunting with Daddy)

My three favorite boys…Maxim, Daddy, and Nate at Preschool Daddy’s Night

Our preschool graduate 🙂

Our little baseball player

Going on vacation…Maxim’s first airplane ride

Riding in our Ranger

Maxim’s first day of kindergarten!

Kindergarten field trip to Bloomsbury Farm

Christmas 2014…Nate and Maxim excited to open Mrs. Claus’ gift 🙂

Maxim Sage…we love you so much!  You have such a tender heart and your laughter is contagious…you are such a joyful little boy and your hugs and kisses melt my heart.  We pray God blesses you with many, many more healthy and wonderful years.  May you always love Jesus and keep being the loving boy that you are. xoxo ~ Mommy

Happy 6th Birthday Maxim!!!


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