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Weekend Recap: It’s your birthday. We gonna party like it’s your birthday.

You know what’s better than celebrating your birthday?  Celebrating the birthday of someone you love sooo much because she is 93.  Yes, my mom’s mom, Grandma Helen, turned 93 on Saturday and the family got together to give her a big birthday party.

The festivities started when Hubby, the boys, and I went down to my parents’ house  Saturday morning.  After lunch, Mom and I began to decorate Grandma Helen’s birthday cakes.  Yes.  I said cakes.  Hey.  When you are the birthday girl, you get to pick what kind of birthday cakes you want.  And she wanted Angel Food cake, along with the token “yummy BEST frosting ever on top of the Best Birthday cake ever”.  I’ve talked about the frosting here (Best Frosting EVER) and that cake here (Best Cake Ever).

Now, some of you may be wondering why in the world would I call cake decorating part of the festivities.  Because for my mom and me…well, we just had a ball.  You see, my mom taught me all about this cake baking and decorating stuff.  And so we laughed and laughed as we decorated Grandma Helen’s birthday cake.  Between unsteady hands trying to write in cursive with a tube of frosting and talking too much that makes a decorator lose her concentration…we laughed.  A LOT.

It was at that moment, I realized once again how lucky I am to have such a wonderful mom who is truly one of my best friends.  You see, Hubby and the boys had gone down to the south farm to look for deer sheds because it was a nice day and this gave Mom and I plenty of “quiet” decorating time.  And those are the moments.  Moments you didn’t expect to mean so much to you and as you reflect…you realize those moments mean the world to you.  I’m so blessed to have the close relationship that I do with my mom.

My mom and me having fun decorating Grandma’s birthday cake

Saturday evening we went to Union Mills Church’s fellowship hall/gym where we had Grandma Helen’s 93rd birthday party.  Most of the family was able to make it and we had a wonderful time.  On the menu?  Appetizers, veggie tray, desserts, pizza, and of course TWO birthday cakes, along with ice cream and strawberries.  Deliciously good!

Grandma Helen…I LOVE this lady


Papa Joe, Mom, Hubby, the boys, and me posing with the birthday girl 🙂

Ready to blow out her candles!

We ate and laughed and the kids had a ball running around and playing basketball.  It was a fun evening.  After cake & ice cream and gifts, we even squeezed in a round of Mexican Train (or chicken foot/dominoes).  I’m embarrassed to say that I won that round.  I meant to have the birthday girl win, but I just happened to run out of dominoes first.

After Grandma’s party, Hubby, the boys, and I stayed all night at my parents’ house.  Then, we went to church at Union Mills the next morning.  Again, I just felt so blessed to be sitting in the church I grew up with my Grandma Helen sitting a few rows back, all of my cousins and their families, aunts, uncle, parents, and my hubby and our sons…it was a great weekend living in the moment and being thankful for all of the blessings God has given me.


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