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Weekend Recap: It’s beginning to look a lot like Thanksgiving!

First of all, I’d like to thank all of you who shared some of your favorite make-up products!  I am excited to try some new mascara and other items.  I love it when you share your favorites.  Thank you, thank you!  In case you didn’t get a chance to read Friday’s post…it’s right here Fun Friday Favorites: It’s all about make-up

Well, we had a nice weekend and all I can say is…It’s beginning to look a lot like Christmas Thanksgiving!  With pumpkin pie and turkey that was eaten, a heart full because of things I’m thankful for…those great things made it a wonderful weekend.

Friday night, the boys and I went to Target to get veggies for the veggie tray I was to bring on Saturday (we had an early Thanksgiving at my parents’ house on Saturday).  And while at Target, we saw something new.  That we just HAD to have.

The Elf on the Shelf has a pet reindeer!

You see, we have an Elf on the Shelf named Elfie and he is so much fun to have around at Christmas time!!  Last year, I took tons of pictures.

Last year, Elfie brought some goodies when he first visited our house.

Elfie was such a sweet little elf to come and visit our house each night before Christmas.  The night of his first visit, the boys had left out our movie “Elf” for him to watch.  He watched it and left the boys popcorn, M&M’s, and hot cocoa.  (Notice the cookies on Elfie’s face?  The boys had left him Oreo’s for a snack, too.)

I’ll be sharing all about Elf on the Shelf ideas in a future post.  Anyway.  A reindeer?  An Elf Pet??  I have no idea what this all entails, but with begging and pleading from Nate and Maxim…this reindeer made it into our cart.  I will keep you posted on the responsibilities of this reindeer (and what it means for the parents).

On Saturday, we celebrated an early Thanksgiving.  Late Saturday morning, we drove down to my mom and Papa’s house.  We had a wonderful day celebrating Thanksgiving with my parents, along with my brother and sister-in-law and their three girls, Grandma Helen (my mom’s mom), and our family of Hubby, Nate and Maxim, and me.

Grandma Helen and I making Apple Snicker Salad

Maxim playing with Grandma Melanie’s window decorations

Hot apple cider and cranberry punch


Our little helper…love that he is helping set the table 🙂  My mom always places a small gift at everyone’s place setting…a little Thanksgiving surprise

The stuffing is ready! Mmmmm!!!

The family…ready to enjoy our feast!

The table full of wonderful food and festive decorations 🙂

After lunch, Grandma Melanie & some of the grandkids had fun playing the game “Life”!

It was a wonderful time with family.  My heart was feeling so full.  And outside, it started snowing.  And snowing.  And snowing.  I love this picture my sister-in-law, Tara, took of my brother!  She showed me the app… I plan to start using it, too!

Beautiful picture!  My brother Ben…look at all of the snow!!

By the time we made it back home Saturday evening, we were tuckered out, stuffed like turkeys, and feeling so blessed.

As we are in the season of celebrating Thanksgiving, I’m trying to look at all of the positive things in my life.  God is so gracious with His blessings.  I love the song Bing Crosby sang in my favorite movie of all-time “White Christmas”…Count Your Blessings.  As we draw closer to Thanksgiving, let’s all remember to count our blessings.


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