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Weekend Recap: I think I’m in the reality show Survivorman

This weather is amazing.  I’ll take more of these sunshiny days FOR SURE.  KEEP THIS WEATHER COMING.

Spring break began Friday afternoon.  The boys have a whole week off and we celebrated in typical spring break manor…ramping bikes and basking in the late afternoon sun, with a call into the local pizza joint because this mama is on spring break.  (Ok.  I’m busted.  Because spring break or not, every Friday evening…we usually have some sort of pizza.)  (In my defense, who cooks on a Friday evening??)

Saturday Hubby took the boys to the 240 farm, while I had a meeting at church and picked up groceries.  While I have been seeing all of the wonderful Facebook posts of people arriving at their beach destination for spring break, our boys are perfectly happy being close to home…amongst the mud and creeks and woods.  Yes, this is what you call living it up.  While we’d love to be soaking up some rays on a beach, the boys are just as happy scouting the woods for the latest finds (deer rubs, skulls, and other interesting signs of nature).  I feel like I’m living out the reality shows Survivorman or Man vs. Wild every weekend around here.

Saturday evening, Hubby and I had a date night.  It has been forever since we have been to his hometown of Marengo and that is where our beautiful, late Saturday afternoon drive took us.  We were driving through town and saw a lot of cars parked around the Legion Hall.  Patrick recognized a guy standing outside and Tim informed us that they were having a fundraiser – the Fireman’s Banquet.

We stopped in because it had been forever since we had seen his Marengo buddies.  And oh, what a great evening we had.  There is nothing like receiving a big “welcome back” from your hometown friends.  Patrick and I both grew up in small towns and we LOVE our small towns.  You have this sense of pride of growing up in a small town.  In your good ol’ small towns, there’s an underlying belief…”we are friends for LIFE”.  Though it’s been a long time since we’ve seen his friends, we picked right up like we’ve never missed a beat.

And so, we spent the evening catching up with friends and laughing and reminiscing about the good ol’ days.  At one point, I looked in awe at Hubby as he and Loftus recalled about ‘that one play’ back in the days of high school football.  They went on discussing EVERY SINGLE detail about that football game and at what yard line this play and that play happened.  Friends.  I can’t even.  Good night, I have a hard enough time remembering what I fixed for supper last week, let alone recalling details about high school sporting events.  But it was so fun to hear them laugh and talk about all of these great memories.

Mr. Loftus, Brian, Hubby, and Bill

By the end of the evening, Doug was asking us when we were moving to town.  🙂  Oh, I love it.  A fun time was had by all.

Sunday afternoon, we took the boys back out to the 240 because ain’t nobody got time for being inside on a sunny, warm day.  Scouting for deer sheds, deer rubs, and all other signs of wildlife is how we spent the afternoon.


Love these three 🙂

Maxim proudly showing off two of the four deer skulls they found

Nate loving the outdoors

After miles and miles of walking (and perhaps some whining in the end about being tired…by the boys AND ME), we made it back to our Ranger and called it a day.

I’m sure that we’ll continue to spend a lot of time outdoors over spring break.  Between biking riding, acting like Bear Grylls in the great outdoors, and hanging with buddies…the boys will be perfectly content enjoying this time off from school.

How are you spending your spring break?  Shopping for the latest spring fashions?  Traveling with your family to a fun and happening city?  Or relaxing by the ocean?  I promise I won’t be jealous if you share that you will spend it sitting in a beach chair watching the ocean’s waves lap all the while, having a cold drink in hand.  Though I may just want to live vicariously through you…


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