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Weekend Recap: Homecoming and the Great Outdoors

It was a beautiful fall weekend and we enjoyed every bit of it.  There’s nothing like being in the “Great Outdoors”.

For starters, Friday was Prairie’s Homecoming.  I went to school to be with Maxim’s kindergarten class as they watched the parade.  Nate informed me that “You can go to the parade with Maxim.  That’s okay, Mom.” (code for:  I’m in fourth grade and coolness is hanging out with your friends, not your mom.)

Well, let me tell you.  Five and six year olds have school spirit like NO OTHER.  Even though I’m sure 93% of them have never been to a Prairie football game.  But give them a good reason to scream and cheer and chant “Prairie Hawks” five hundred and forty-two times…and you have yourself a happy group of  kindergartners.  I couldn’t stop smiling…their school spirit was presh.

Can he be any cuter??

I did manage to go check out the fourth grade classes and Nate was actually cool with that.  (I think because he saw a few other moms nearby.)

It’s great to be a Prairie Hawk!

After the parade, we went home and packed up the car with fishing poles, bikes, food, clothes, and other camping necessities.  We were heading to Rathbun Lake for the Hargis Family Camping weekend.  This was always an annual event on my mom’s side of the family, but over the past few years, time has gotten away from us and schedules have gotten too full.  About two months ago, we decided it was long overdue and we set the date.

Now, if you don’t know me very well, I should clarify.  When I say we ‘packed up the car’, that means we are basically packing everything but the kitchen sink.  I’ve never been a light packer.  And I’m just putting this out there now…our boys are taking after their mama in this category.

Maxim had two bags (not of clothes, but necessities.  As in, two flashlights, a few snake books, six stuffed animals, one elk, a ‘list’, binoculars, hand sanitizer, etc…) and Nate had one bag of his ‘necessities’.  Oh, and Nate felt the need to bring along his science kit.  I’m talking about the ENTIRE kit.  Microscope, slides, tweezers…the works.  Listen people.  These boys are prepared.  They know the important stuff to pack.

I’d be amiss if I didn’t share that while packing, I decided it was crucial that we have homemade brownies for the camping weekend.  So, brownies were made WHILE we packed the car.  I like to think of this as multi-tasking, not procrastinating.  Whatever.

The boys and I had the car packed and we were off.  Hubby wasn’t able to go with us because at the last minute, our college buddy (who is a Navy Seal) was flying back to visit so, he was going to see him and other college friends.

Well, I could make this into a book, but I’ll try to keep the details of the weekend brief and to the point.  Something I’m not great at doing.

Upon arrival at the campgrounds, we saw this in the road:

You all.  This bullfrog was bigger than a Personal Pan Pizza from Pizza Hut.  It was HUGE. I’m not going to claim to be the best photographer (note:  the boys’ faces blinded by my headlights).  But that frog!  We couldn’t believe it.

We hung out around the campfire, ate lots of healthy snacks, laughed and told stories, rode bikes…it was such a great weekend of being with family.

Now, I should set the record straight with this camping stuff.  Did we tent it?  NO.  Hubby and I used to way back when, but when your parents have a nice, comfy mini-home camper with all of the amenities (running water, toilet, air conditioning, t.v., a microwave, etc…), why would one tent it?  So, we stayed with my parents in their motor home.  And it was the perfect way for me to camp.

Nate and Papa Joe


Maxim goofing around with Grandma Melanie and Uncle Jim

Saturday morning, we went fishing and this was a BIG highlight for the boys.

Love these boys!

My mom and Nate discussing fishing strategies

Papa, the patient fisherman

And this is how Maxim fishes…he just eats whatever is in the boat.  Apples, chips, candy corn…you name it.

We came back to the camp sight at noon and more cousins and family arrived.  More eating and laughing was to be had.

Fun with cousins!

It was a fun weekend.  We missed the cousins that couldn’t be there, due to fall softball and other engagements.

One of the best things about the weekend was having Grandma Helen, who is ninety-two years old, get to be with us for the afternoon and evening on Saturday.  Many years ago, we started this camping weekend with her and Grandpa Caleb.  At one point, I saw a beautiful white cloud in the sky and it reminded me of Grandpa Caleb’s white hair.  I’m sure he was looking down on us from Heaven, smiling and happy to see that we still carry on the traditions that he and Grandma started.

Sunday morning, after one more bike ride, we packed up and headed home.  It was a wonderful weekend of camping…the boys and I loved every minute of it.

In the afternoon, Hubby and I took the boys out to the 240…we just couldn’t get enough of this beautiful fall weather!  We enjoyed the day and got to visit with Patrick’s family.  His parents, cousin, sister and her husband, and nephew were all there, enjoying a fall afternoon at the 240.

Chalk this up as another weekend of feeling blessed.  Fall weekends like this…so simple and yet, so delightful!


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