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Weekend Recap: Family times and SNOW!

The weekend came and went and there is no school today because of the snow and icky roads.  This Snow Day makes it feel like the weekend is still here.  Which means puddles of snow and piles of boots and gloves by our door.  But I’m alright with that because that means I get another day at home with two of my favorite people.  🙂

If you recall from my last post, last week Maxim and I worked on his 100th Day of school project (Maxim’s 100th Day of School project).  On Friday, I helped in Maxim’s class and I had him pose with his awesome 100th Day of School project that we he turned it.  When he turned it in, his classmates oohhhhed and aahhhhhed.  He beamed.

Maxim was so proud of his deer project!

Yes…100 pictures of bucks (He is sooooo like his daddy) #futuredeerhunter

Friday evening, I attended our church’s AIM service.  The pastors shared about our church’s vision and future plans for Wednesday night children’s ministry.  I am so excited about this.  This could be a blog post of it’s own, but the short of the long story is this…we love our church.  Love it TONS.  I lead a women’s bible study which just makes my heart all big and mushy.  Nothing excites me more than being with other gals and encouraging each other to walk the road of being a woman who loves God and wants to do His will.

But.  Our Wednesday night children’s ministry program didn’t take place this year because of the lack of volunteers.  Well.  You know the song “Don’t Know What You Got ‘Til It’s Gone”? (Yes, that’s by Cinderella.  hahaha)  That’s what happened.  I just sat back and expected Wednesday Night Children’s Ministry to happen.  With or without me.  In this case, it was without me because I didn’t volunteer or get involved.  (You are probably thinking, “Hey, I thought this was going to be another blog post…?”)

Anyway.  God has been stirring many people’s hearts in our congregation.  And we are ready to step up and help.  So, after hearing what our church has planned for next year…I CANNOT WAIT.  I plan to help and have offered to teach on Wednesday nights because my boys.  All of these kids.  They are worth it.  They need a fun place to go where they can hear more about God and His awesomeness and be around their friends (which is always a lot of fun when you can hang with your buddies).  So, I’m sure I’ll be sharing about this as we see Wednesday Night Children’s Ministry come to fruition.

When I came home from our church service, Hubby crawled to bed after a long week of work and the boys and I watched tv.  Nothing like cuddling on the couch with M&M’s and popcorn and the boys.  After putting them to bed, I saw that while I was at church, this little note was written.  It was laying on one of our coasters…

Melt my heart! Maxim’s little note to me…

On Saturday morning, we were off to basketball.  Nate is playing second season with his team and we are so happy with the program, our coach, his team…it’s so much fun!

My little baller 🙂

This was my post on Facebook…


We have five more weeks of basketball and I am going to love every minute of it.

The rest of the weekend we were waiting for the big snow to come.  And it did.  With inches and inches of snow, we lived it up.  It was a fun day of scooping out our drive (hahaha…fun?  Not so much.), playing in the snow, and we were able to get our snowmobiles out and go ride.

Another post I put on Facebook. I love the app I used for this pic!

We had a crouching bunny in the bushes 🙂

Nate on his sled with Daddy and Maxim up ahead.

And now, I thought I’d share some information.  Two of my favorite apps:



I’ve talked before about PixlrExpress+.  Well.  A few months ago, my sister-in-law Tara showed me another new app to use.  (I love that she’s always showing me the latest and greatest technology stuff 🙂 ) Snapseed is an awesome app to use with outdoor pictures.  On the “Ridin through the snow” picture, I used Snapseed for the coloring and frame, then used PixlrExpress+ to add the text.  Two great apps!  I’m so glad Tara told me about them and showed me how to use them!

That’s all for today!  Hope you are enjoying this snow as much as we are!!


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