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Weekend Recap: Blame it on the cold and sniffles

Milli Vanilli sang (errr…sang, lip sync, faked it…whatever) “Blame It On The Rain”, but I’m changing that song.  I’m blaming it on my cold and sniffles.  Why didn’t all of the laundry didn’t get done this weekend?  Blame it on my cold.  Why didn’t I workout this weekend?  Blame it on my cold.  Why did the Chicago Bulls lose to the LA Clippers?  Blame it on my cold.

Well.  If I don’t get over this crud soon, then I’m going to invest in a Neti Pot, purchase stock in the brand Kleenex, fill a Target shopping cart full of orange juice and Advil, and add more “winter weight” to my already “winter weight has been added” figure.  (Am I the only one who makes poor eating choices when one has the sniffles, aches, and coughs?)

I just can’t catch a break.  One minute, I’m doing great on my late winter/spring-is-coming! work-outs.  Focusing on running and eating better and happy to go to the gym because HELLO…new work-out clothes.  The next minute, I’m down and out feeling under the weather with the scratchiest throat and upper respiratory yuck…and a box of Girl Scout cookies in hand.  And half a Tombstone pizza polished off.  Yes.  When I don’t feel well, I eat.  A LOT.

So, here’s to a healthier week.  Because it is MARCH!  And spring is coming!

Though I had the sniffles, the boys and I did make it down to visit family in Sully on Friday.  I needed to take my snowmobile into the shop because it just decided to STOP WORKING.  And it’s only three years old.  With low mileage.  I just don’t understand.  So, we made a trip down to Fast Trax to have the guys see what was wrong with it.  Bad cylinder.  Not good.

But I’m one who can make lemonade when handed a lemon and so, even though my sled was unable to be fixed in a day and even though it is probably going to cost more than $10 to fix (ummm…yah, a lot more than $10), I made lemonade.

The boys and I had a wonderful Friday checking out the cool four-wheelers and snowmobiles at Fast Trax.  AND.  We had a terrific time visiting with Grandma Norma, Aunt Ruthy, and Uncle Marlo.

Maxim is REALLY wanting a four-wheeler 🙂

Nate LOVED this sled 🙂

After dropping off my sled, we picked up Grandma Norma and we went uptown to eat lunch at The Coffee Cup Cafe’ (and I got to see my cousin while we were there).  I don’t know about you, but I LOVE to eat at a small town cafe’.  They have the BEST food and service.

The Coffee Cup Cafe in Sully


I took Aunt Ruthy’s recommendation and ordered their Dutch Lettuce Salad.  I’ve heard of this salad before, but I had never tried it.  Well, I’ll be darn.  Dutch Lettuce Salad is an amazing lettuce salad with toppings of hard boiled egg and tomatoes.  BUT.  It’s the dressing folks.  The warm salad dressing that seals the deal.  This WARM bacon/mayo/honey mustard/poppy seed salad dressing was soooo delicious.  It was drizzled just perfectly on top of the lettuce salad.  Oh, I hope to get the recipe soon!

The boys and me eating lunch with Grandma Norma, Aunt Ruthy, and Uncle Marlo

After a yummy lunch (and a slice of pie), we took Grandma back home.  It was a wonderful day getting to visit with family.

Grandma Norma and I

Friday evening, we went with Hubby’s work to a fundraiser bowling event for Big Brothers/Big Sisters.  I would share all about that, but I don’t think you want to hear me brag about my bowling score.  (Ok.  So, I didn’t bowl well.  93 is not great.)  (In my defense, I’m going to blame it on my cold…it was hindering bowling performance.  My skills were sub-par, to say the least.)

Saturday we cheered Nate’s basketball team on to another victory and then, the boys and I ran to Target for “a few things”.  Because I wanted to drive myself even crazier, I took them to two more stores.  By the time we left Fareway, their “loving” behavior towards each other had gotten the best of me and I demanded that NOBODY TALK on the way home.  (Can I blame my lack of patience on my cold again?  Sure.)

The weekend continued to go well (despite my cold) and we attended a birthday party, then church on Sunday, and I even cheered on my bestie’s daughter in her volleyball game on Sunday afternoon.

But.  If I don’t get over this cold and crud SOON, I am going to need an intervention.  Friends.  Those white peanut butter Reese’s eggs that you see in the Easter aisle at Target…they are evil.  They are NOT clearing up my cold like I thought they would.  NO.  I need to have a clear head that isn’t foggy and doesn’t make irrational eating choices.  I need to be focusing on spring and eating healthier and working out.  I can’t blame it on this cold forever.

How about you?  Any tips for how to get over this crud?  We have a big birthday coming up this weekend.  I MUST get over this cold.  I have work to do.  I will need to bake and decorate Nate’s birthday cake.  AND.  We will need to be on our A-game.  We’ll need to be ready for a bunch of 9 & 10 year olds who are sure to be wound up on pizza, cake, and ice cream.


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