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Weekend Recap: All I want for Christmas is my two front teeth

Chalk one up for another busy weekend for the Patterson family.  Between basketball games, Christmas shopping, Christmas programs, and putting up Christmas lights…whew!  We were busy little elves.

On Friday, I volunteered in Nate’s classroom and let me tell you…those little fourth graders are just delightful!  We worked on division and it just warms my heart to get to work with Nate and his friends.  After enjoying the time with those fourth graders and practicing math skills, I went and worked on some of my own math skills…as in going to the store and calculating in my head how many rolls of wrapping paper I might need and approximately how many packages of tissue I will use.  I like to stay polished up on my math skills, too.  Because no one likes to be one roll short when wrapping gifts.

Saturday, we cheered on Nate in basketball and then, Hubby took the boys to the 240 while I went Christmas shopping.  I’m making progress, but still have a few more places to shop at.  My goal is to finish my shopping by Tuesday.

Saturday evening, the boys sang in the first of three Christmas programs at our church.  The past year, our church added a Saturday night service.  It’s a nice option for people who work on Sundays or have other commitments.  Anyway, after singing and performing, we took the boys on our annual drive to go look at Christmas lights.

Sunday rolled around and we went to church and the children performed at both services.  Nate and Maxim were excited to have their grandparents in the audience.  By the third performance, Maxim was starting to smile and Nate…well, he just did a super job playing the part of Joseph.

Maxim (5th from the left) and the other children are ready to sing their songs!


Nate, as Joseph, and Mary with Baby Jesus

I know I’ve said this before, but friends…if you don’t have a church you attend or you’re looking for a new one…check out Stonebridge Church.  Every week, I love going.  We love going to the first service on Sunday because the boys attend their grade level Sunday School class.  And on Christmas Eve, there will be two services for you to choose which one to attend…4:00 or 5:30.  Christmas Eve Service is always special to me.

Well, the rest of our afternoon was spent putting up our Christmas lights on the house and doing the glamorous task of laundry, laundry, laundry.  After church, my parents went Christmas shopping, but were able to stop by to visit before they went back home and this happened…

That’s right.  Maxim lost his second tooth.  With two teeth missing, you must be thinking what I’m thinking.  Now, he can ask for his two front teeth for Christmas.  🙂

Hope you enjoyed the weekend and now…it’s a sprint.  I’m going to finish up shopping and then, start wrapping and baking.  What things do you have yet to do?  Come on, share.  (Unless you’re done with everything.  Then, I might get a little envious of your organization and speediness.)  Surely I’m not the only one who hasn’t started wrapping yet…am I?


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