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Weekend Recap (a little late): football, faith, and family

I’m aware that this is a day or two late.  But I was very busy over the weekend and my busyness continued on through yesterday.

Friday was a busy day with volunteering at school and making and baking.  I also enjoyed watching Nate as he participated in a skit at his school.  He was to wear some pajamas for his part, which of course required a frantic run to the store on Thursday night.  That’s right, when we went “back to school” shopping, pajamas were not on the list.  And currently, all of Nate’s pajamas were looking a little like capris.  Bobby High Waters, as I like to say.  I couldn’t have him be in front of the entire school body with pajamas that are about four inches too short.  So, new pajamas were bought.  And the little skit went well. 🙂

Saturday we spent the day watching football, breathing football, and playing football (well, Nate played anyway).

Then, Sunday was a day of celebrating faith and family.  We went back to my hometown and attended church where I grew up.  Union Mills is such a dear church to me.  And they were having a special outdoor service…making a Memorial Rock Garden.  They had a cross made in front of the church on the lawn and we were to each add a rock that had our name on it.  This is a to give thanks to God for His faithfulness.  See, in many places in the Bible, people like Samuel would take a stone and make a monument or memorial to remind them of how the Lord had helped them.  (See 1 Samuel 7:12 where an example is given.)

Well, it was beautiful.  To see people of all ages go up and place a rock on the cross made in the lawn and then share how God has blessed them, helped them, and been so important in their lives.  I felt so much joy seeing how this church has been such a blessing to so many people.

Pastor Kerry and Jill have been at our church for over thirty years, I believe.  When you have a pastor who preaches the Word of God, people come.  People will grow.  And God will be glorified.  And that is what happened on Sunday.  I know God had to be just beaming from ear to ear as so many people gave a brief one minute testimony of how God has been faithful in their lives.  And some chose not to speak, but their symbolic laying down a stone spoke for them.

Now, I will tell you, just like my blog says…Angela Banae always has something to say.  And as our family went forward to lay down our stones, I felt that little nudge that I just had to say something.

(Remember in Bruce Almighty when Steve Carrell does his newscast and Jim Carrey makes him blabber and not a single word comes out…only blabber noises?  Think that when you read my testimony.)  Well, my little one minute testimony went like this:  “I am so thankful adlsjfd;jfowfjladh fkhdhdsghkgh;ajorejfjafjrpaefjl;rjpuo.  And dfj;asfopuroturtwrutoruo gjvdfjalfudsjfl adsjf;ajfj.  And upqrueureowurouewro…this church has been such an important part of my life growing up.”

(Okay, I didn’t just blab, but after it was all over, I wondered if anything I said made sense.)  (I later asked my mom if she understood my point and she said she did.)  See, when we get up in front of many people to speak about our faith and our relationship with Jesus, it can be kind of intimidating (even around people who have known you your whole life).


But what I meant to say was this:  * I’m so thankful that I grew up going to church at Union Mills where I was around people who loved the Lord.  * I’m so thankful to have the foundation of growing up in a church where we learned about the Bible and how it is so real and true.  * I’m thankful that in 3rd grade, I accepted Jesus as my Savior and He’s been in my heart ever since.  * Being a parent, I’m reminded of how important it is that we have a relationship with Jesus because I want our children to have this, too.

Sunday morning was just awesome.  Not only was it a beautiful fall day, but it was beautiful to hear so many people speak with such sincere hearts filled with God’s love.

After church, we went to the Ferguson Family Reunion.  Another warm fuzzy moment to add to my already great day.  I mean, hey…great family members, awesome food, and good conversations.  It was a such a nice time.

I loved how my dear cousin Colleen said that she reads my blog (and loves the fashion favorites that I write about).  And my cousin Carrie shared how she has my blog on her Bloglovin feed and reads my posts.  Friends, we all know this…kind words mean so much.  And that’s the thing.  Being around blessings brings forth more blessings.

Well, I continued feeling blessed late Sunday afternoon.  When we got back home, Patrick and I took the boys on a great bike ride.  This was Maxim’s first bike ride around the Cedar Lake and he did great.  (And he talked nonstop.  I have no idea who he gets that from.  Aheemmm.)

Monday continued with more joyful moments.  I met my mom and Grandma Helen down in Kalona.

Two of my favorite people…

Our cousin Diane met us and the four of us had a wonderful day shopping at the shops, picking out fall mums, and enjoying lunch together.

Remember.  Counting blessings makes you see all of the good that is in your life!  What’s a blessing you are thankful for?


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