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Recipes for Memorial Day: Perfect Pasta Salad and Plop ‘n Drop Peanut Butter Krispies

(I wrote two posts today…this one giving you some GREAT and EASY recipes.  And, one under the devotional tab.)  (Yah, I guess I was in a typing mood to go and put up two posts in one day.  I don’t see this happening often.  Because I’m just not that ambitious.  Or creative.) I thought I’d share with you a couple of EASY and good recipes that you can use for Memorial Day weekend.  Because in my book, every holiday should have some tasty food. Now, I’m no gourmet cook.  I never promised this blog to be a “Fantastic Foodie Blog” or “Cookin up like Betty Crocker”.  No.  I’m not that good.  But what I do have, I will share with you. So today, I’d love to share with you my Perfect Pasta Salad.  (The recipe was actually my mom’s, but I tweaked it so I guess that makes it now mine…maybe?)

Ingredients you’ll need to grab from the store

Perfect Pasta Salad

1 box Rotini (cook according to box) (I used the tri-color today)

1 small cucumber (peel, slice, and quarter)

1 medium green pepper (chopped)

1/2 container of grape tomatoes (halved)

1 small can black olives (optional)

1 8oz. bottle of Zesty Italian dressing

1 pkg. Zesty Italian salad dressing mix

Cook pasta according to directions on box. Meanwhile, combine the chopped cucumber, green pepper, tomatoes, and olives in a large bowl. Drain pasta and add to vegetable mixture. In a smaller separate bowl, mix salad dressing mix and the bottle of salad dressing (save about 1/4 of bottle to pour over the entire salad when ready to serve). Add dressing mixture to pasta and vegetables. Refrigerate until ready to serve. Toss salad gently. Top with the remaining 1/4 bottle of dressing right before serving. (Optional ingredients you may add: cheese cubes, quartered pepperoni, &/or chopped red onions.)

Veggies are chopped and ready


Ta-da!!! Yummy and ready to serve!

So, now that you have a delicious salad to take to your Memorial Day BBQ, I’m going to go all crazy on you and give you my Plop ‘n Drop Peanut Butter Krispies recipe.  It’s difficult.  Requires a big whopping…four ingredients.  Yes.  I’m just that fancy.  But. I. Promise. You.  If you love peanut butter, you’ll love these easy peasy cookies because they are just so tasty.

Plop ‘n Drop Peanut Butter Krispies…the 4 ingredients

Plop ’n Drop Peanut Butter Krispies

1 c. Karo syrup

1 c. sugar

1 c. peanut butter

5 c. Rice Krispies

Bring Karo syrup, sugar, and peanut butter to a boil for one minute. Remove from stove. Add the Rice Krispies. Drop by spoon onto foil. Let cookies set for 30 minutes (if you are patient enough to wait that long).

Easy cookies that will have you coming back for seconds.

And there you have it!  Two recipes that are super easy and yet, so tasty.  Let me know if you get crazy and make either of them.  I love hearing from you!  I know my friend, Michelle, made last week’s frosting recipe and needed a big glass of milk (because there might have been some taste testing going on…).  Enjoy and happy cooking!


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