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Our newest baby is born

It’s only fitting that today, on Mother’s Day, I introduce to you our newest baby…this blog. See, for months I’ve been waiting to give birth to this crazy little dream of mine.  And today.  She is here.

Having this blog is so much like having a baby.  It keeps me up sometimes, in the middle of the night.  An idea will come into my mind and It. Won’t. Let. Me. Sleep.  So, I’ll get up and write.  Yah, kinda ridiculous, I know.  And like babies, you’ll crave to put them on a schedule, but that doesn’t always happen.  I’m hoping to write throughout the week on this blog and take the weekends off, but I’m a newbie at this.  I have no idea if this schedule is going to work.  But it’s my goal.

I must say, just like having a newborn can be overwhelming and slightly scary…starting this blog is, as well.  I tend to be all 274% GUNG HO when I start something.  And then.  My endurance is depleted.  I lose stamina.  This typically happens to me when I clean or start a project (like our boys’ baby books.  No, they aren’t done yet.).  Clearly, I’m not a Type A personality.  I’m all over it and then.  It gets exhausting.  I’m hoping this doesn’t happen.  Only God knows what He has planned for this dream of mine.  I’m trusting Him on this one.  As long as He gives me this desire to write, I want to keep writing.  I have to remember what a friend, Sandy, wrote to me, “God doesn’t call the equipped.  He equips the called.”

So, now, you may be asking why I am doing this?  Ever since I was young, I have loved writing.  Talking.  (I know, you’re all so shocked.)  Telling stories.  So, it shouldn’t have been a surprise to me when this little dream of mine started churning in my mind.  Here, on this blog, I can write.  I can tell stories about my family, about my friends, and about life.  Sometimes, it might be random stuff.  Other times, I might recap our weekend.  Share with you what our family life is all about.  The day to day stuff.  Or I might share with you an amazing recipe that I think “you’ve just GOT to have”!

My hope is that you’ll be encouraged.  Be able to laugh at life with me.  Notice more blessings that are happening in your life.  On this blog, I’d love for you to share a comment with all of us on your thoughts or how you can relate to the post.  I love to hear what you’re thinking.

When I was a senior in high school, I was one of a few who spoke at our graduation.  (See, I always have something to say.)  I spoke about how we should all go out into the world and be a positive influence to others.  That’s what I hope this blog does.  Influences you in a way that is positive and brings you joy.  Makes you laugh.

Now that I’ve introduced you to our newest baby, I feel that it’s time to show my gratitude to all who helped make this happen and give my acceptance speech for this Oscar.  Or Academy Award.  Whatever.  Except I’m not in some fancy shmancy dress with a great blow out done by a famous hair designer.  And there were no red carpet ceremonies a few minutes ago.  Anyway, I’d like to thank the many who made this dream possible.

Our two boys, Nate and Maxim.  Without you guys, I wouldn’t have the best job ever. Being a mom.  Your mom.  Each day, you both bring joy, love, and laughter to our lives. You help me to see the little blessings that are right in front of me.  You give me things to write about.  Things to laugh at.  Jack Nicholson once said something along these lines, “You make me want to be a better person”.  Nate and Maxim, you do this.  Thank you.  You both love me unconditionally and I love you forever always.

Patrick. Hubby, it’s because of you that I’m able to fulfill this dream. You allowed me to take a year off from teaching to stay home with our boys. Through this time, I’ve been able to start doing what I love to do (besides, of course, being your wife and the boys’ mom)…to write.  When I approached you about this idea of starting to write, wanting a blog, needing a web designer…you didn’t flinch.  You didn’t ask why? or how much? or roll your eyes.  (Not that you do that.  You don’t.  You are the most supportive person I know.)  You said, “That’s fine.”  You let me pursue this crazy little dream.  You’ve always listened to me talk about my big ideas and you have always believed in me.  The faith you have in me makes me want to reach for my dreams.  I am so thankful that God gave me you.  Baby, I love you forever always.


Mom, my biggest cheerleader.  You have been my supporter from the beginning.  Since I was a little girl, you have instilled the confidence in me that I can do anything.  You have never stifled my dreams.  You encourage me. All. The. Time.  Your love and support that you and Papa give me has made me who I am today.  Back in February, when you and I were at the IF: Gathering conference, you nudged me when the speaker spoke about always loving to write and pursuing her passion.  That was a special weekend because it was then, I knew that I would go down this path to fulfill this passion inside of me.

Facebook.  I’d like to thank you.  It’s because of you that we all can meet back up with people of our pasts.  Stay in touch.  Learn what everyone has been up to.  Oh, you are an amazing piece of social media work and I love you for how you can spread something wonderful so fast.  (I’m hoping this blog will be wonderful.  And I hope it touches lots of people.) (So, if you like a post, share it.)  It was on Facebook where I began to dabble back into writing.  And once I started writing, I could’t stop.  Yes, I think I have the record for writing the longest posts. Ever.

Our families, our friends, all of my Facebook friends and family who have given me encouraging compliments and comments, college friends, hometown friends, high school friends from days of yore, Bible study friends, Bunko friends…all of you, I’d like to thank.  When you complimented me on how much you liked reading my Facebook posts about Jerry the mouse or encouraged me when I said that I wanted to start this blog…you will never know how much those kind words meant.  It was such perfect timing, when you said the kind words you said because it confirmed for me that yes.  I am doing the right thing.  You gave me courage.  Thank you so much.

Peter, my web designer.  You have been so patient with me and your skills amaze me. You offer great advice and I’m so grateful that you have been able to create this blog for me.  I’m glad we could be a team and get this dream up and going.  Gabe, you were the first person to offer blogging advice on this dream of mine.  Thank you for taking the time to meet with me and offer your words of wisdom.

Finally, you all know I’ve gotta thank God. He is the one who gives us a passion in our hearts.  He knows us completely.  Jeremiah 1:5 says, “Before I formed you in the womb I knew you”.  I love this because He knows me and He knew what passions I would have. And because I have faith in Him, I know that “Now to Him who is able to do exceedingly abundantly above all that we ask or think, according to the power that works in us, to Him be glory in the church by Christ Jesus throughout all ages, world without end. Amen”— Ephesians 3:20-21.

I hope you visit often.  Subscribe to this blog if you’d like to.  It’s free.  And every time I post, you’ll receive an email linked to my newest post.  Or just stop by and visit my site.  I promise I won’t be this mushy gushy all the time.  Because sometimes, it’ll be about the deep worldly matters, like Jerry the mouse or what great new mascara I found or a recipe for the best frosting ever…(which is coming up this week!).  So.  Welcome to Angela Banae.  I’m glad you are here.


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