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I can’t let it go

I feel like I need an intervention.  I’m having some problems.  It’s…letting go.  Of…Christmas.  I just can’t let it go.  Elsa knew darn well what she was singing about in her song, that’s for sure.  You see, I just LOVE ME SOME CHRISTMAS.

Oh, I’ve taken down our tree.  (Not to brag, but I DID take that down back on January 15th.)  Yah, all of you “I took my tree down on Christmas night” people…I just don’t get you folks.  I can’t even.  But then, I’m sure people like me drive you batty. 🙂

You’re probably wondering about our Christmas lights?  Well.  That’s another story.

Just ask our neighbors…our Christmas lights are still up AND YES, THEY TURN ON EVERY NIGHT.  We have lights on the rooftop, on our tree in the front yard, on our back deck railing (with garland, too).  And we even have cute little Christmas trees (at this time of year, I like to call them winter evergreens) on our front steps that light up at dusk.

If it were up to me, I’d say leave the Christmas lights up ALL year.  And I don’t mean “leave them up all year because it’s too much of a pain to take them down”.  I mean, leave them up and ON all year.  Seriously, aren’t white Christmas lights just so warm and cozy?

Ok, maybe take them down at the end of February.  Just leave them up and all aglow during the blah dark winter months.  Soft, white Christmas lights to brighten up the cold dark evenings.  (And I’m not talking about those “cool” or “blue-ish/white-ish” LED lights.  I’m talking about warm white lights.)  But you get my drift.  I believe warm white lights make winter nights so much cozier and happier.  You can’t imagine how wonderful I feel when I drive up our street and see our home all aglow.  Ahhh…it’s just delightful.

You want to know what else I’m having a hard time of letting go?  THESE FRIENDS…

Peppermint Patty and Elfie…aren’t they just adorable?!

And just in case you are wondering, that is NOT a Christmas tree that they are sitting under.  It’s this darling, lighted, woodsy tree I bought a year ago at Restoration Hardware on my Chicago Shopping Trip.  It stays up all year.


Anyway.  Peppermint Patty and Elfie are STILL at our house.  I know, I know.  Elf on the Shelf elves are suppose to fly back to the North Pole on Christmas Eve with Santa.  But last year, Elfie didn’t.  He stuck around for a week or so.  (He still moved and reported to Santa each night, too.)  Clearly, this created an expectation and the elves had to live up to it again this year.  (Between you and I, I feel like I should be earning a “mom of the year” award for all of this elf stuff.)  (On another note:  Hubby gives me the side eye at least twice a week and loudly states, “I wonder when Elfie and Peppermint Patty are going to leave?????”)

But they ARE a lot of fun.  And aren’t they just so cute??

LOVE…they are getting into the Valentine spirit, too!

Call it an elf hunch, but I feel that this weekend, Peppermint Patty and Elfie WILL be heading back to the North Pole.

Anyway.  If any of you dear friends would like to stage an intervention for me, please feel free.  I’d suggest you bring some hot cocoa and Christmas candies.  To make it real legit.  Perhaps we could enjoy frosted sugar cookies while discussing my problems of not letting Christmas go.

Am I the only one who feels this way?  Or are there other lovers of Christmas out there?  Others who are having Christmas movie withdrawal and feel that the Hallmark channel was just being mean and cruel to stop airing Christmas movies?  Surely, there are fellow Christmas enthusiasts in the world besides me.  Can I get a shout out?  Or a little jingle jangle?


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