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Happy Thanksgiving! Ten (or twenty) things I am thankful for…

Hello friends!  I hope you are planning a festive day of eating until you feel like a stuffed turkey celebrating the many gifts that we all have to be thankful for.  This IS the season of thanksgiving…so, I feel it only appropriate that I tell I am thankful for YOU, dear reader.  Thank you for following my blog.  Thank you for the “likes” you give me on Facebook.  Thank you for the comments you write.  Thank you for stopping me and telling me that you enjoyed something on this blog or tried something I shared, whether it be hair products, caramel apple cider, a fashion find, or a recipe.  Thank you for being kind and caring readers friends.

I started this blog over six months ago.  I stepped out on a limb, or computer, or whatever.  Knowing that God put this desire in my heart to write and encourage.  I am still loving this thing and I feel extremely blessed to be able to do what I am doing.

Today, I’m writing down the top ten things I’m thankful for.  The first ten will be serious.  The second ten (I realize that makes it twenty things I’m thankful for) (and because I can’t make up my mind and might be a little indecisive) will be light…maybe even shallow.  Because we all need to be real with our feelings here.

I hope you will do the same.  Write a comment and share with us what you are thankful for.  Together, we’ll be feeling all warm and fuzzy.  Because that’s what friends are for.

1.  Jesus – He saved me from my sins and because I have a personal relationship with Him, I  KNOW without a doubt, that I’ll be in Heaven some day (and hopefully singing REALLY good.  No squeaks or cracks in those songs, nope.  I’m gonna be a singing all BOSS and all pretttay.  Or something better than this raspy Pat Benatar voice I have now.)

2.  My family – I LOVE them like no other.  Hubby, our boys, our families…they mean the world to me.  I’m truly blessed.  My heart has so much love for “my people” and I love that they love me unconditionally.  I’m so grateful for each of them.

3.  My friends – Oh.  They are my sugar in my lemonade…without them, life would be sour.  But they make it sweet.  Love them ALL.  Bunko/shopping friends, Bible study friends, my Bestie, neighbors, college and high school friends, former co-workers…the list goes on and on.  So thankful for the ladies God has put in my life.

4.  The good health that my family and I have – Being healthy is such a gift.  I’m so thankful  for the good health we have.  We are so blessed to be living healthy lives where we can do so many things.  Seeing other loved ones go through difficult health problems is so hard and we pray for them to be healed of the illnesses that they are struggling with.

5.  Our church – I am just soooo thankful for our church and the friends we’ve met there.  I love that our church has awesome pastors who truly love the Lord and preach His Word.

6.  Our home – Though many times, I long for a larger home, God shows me that our home is just right for us.  It’s safe, warm, comfy & cozy, and filled with love.

7.  Hubby’s job – Hubby works for a great company and I love it that he gives it his all.  His work ethic amazes me and I am thankful that I can be pursuing this dream of writing and being a stay-at-home mom, while he works so hard to support our family.  The company he works for values him and they are like family to us.  So grateful for all of them.

8.  Our ‘hood – I am so grateful for the neighborhood we live in.  We have caring friends as neighbors and we feel safe and we all look out for each other.  And we like to have fun, which is important.

9.  Our boys’ school – I couldn’t be prouder of our boys and how well they do at school.  We have amazing teachers and staff at their school who truly love and care for kids.  They are getting a great education and learning how to be caring and work hard at school.


10.  The gifts and desires God gives us – Someone once said, “Your calling (what you were made to do) is where your passion and your gifts collide.”  I am grateful for the gifts God has given me and the desire He has placed in my heart to want to do things that will draw others to know Him better.  I am so optimistic because I KNOW that God has a specific plan of each of us.  I’m excited to see His plan for my life continue to unfold.

Now that I’ve gotten all serious on you and you’re feeling the sleepy effects of tryptophan from eating gobs of turkey, I’ll wake you up with ten more things I’m thankful for.

1.  Tombstone pizza – Listen.  I LOVE these pizzas, man.  They have the best sauce and crunchiest crust.  I could eat them ALL the time.  (And, sometimes, I feel like we do…)

2.  Scarves – If you saw yesterday’s post about my shopping friends and me (Weekend Recap: Shopping friends. Forever friends.), then you saw the many scarves I’ve worn over the years.  My favorites are the warm, wooly ones that actually are dual-purpose scarves…they keep you warm AND add a flare of fashion to your outfit.  I’m all for cute and comfy scarves, dear friends.

3.  Gray – I love gray anything (well, not gray hair on me.  Though I wouldn’t even know if I have any gray hairs, due to the highlighting regime I am faithful at doing).  Gray t’s, gray cardigans, gray boots, gray socks…such a basic color and yet it goes with so many things.

4.  Slippers – I absolutely love my UGG slippers that I wear around the house.  I cannot stand cold feet and those babies are just perfect for keeping my toesies warm and toasty.

5.  Fuzzy blankets – Can you tell it’s winter (almost)?  Everything I’m thankful for is warm, comfy, and cozy.  I adore fuzzy blankets.  Last year, Mrs. Claus left our “family gift” on Christmas Eve for us while we were at church.  And in the package, she had a faux fur blanket from Target, I believe.  Well, that blanket is one of my all-time favorites.  Nothing like curling up in a fuzzy, soft blanket and watching some Christmas movies.  Or Dude, You’re Screwed (yes, that’s a favorite show of ours to watch).

6.  Kisses and hugs from Hubby and our boys – You guys, I am a “touchy-feely” person.  I’m always giving our boys or Hubby smooches or hugs.  I am always telling them “I love you!”  I believe it’s important to be affectionate with your loved ones.  It gives them self-confidence to know and FEEL that they are loved.  I even give little “bunsie pinches”.  This would be pinching Maxim’s or Nate’s cute little buns.  Except this is kind of backfiring on me…Maxim has done this to me IN stores, along with saying, “Oh, I get your cute little bunsies, Mom!”  Yep.  Right when I am at the check-out counter.  Well.  All I can say is:  We show love around our house.

7.  Soft cookies and baked goods – I have such a sweet tooth.  I am a total carb-girl.  Yes.  I’ll say that loud and proud.  Frosted sugar cookies.  (Recipe coming soon…they are absolutely the BEST frosted sugar cookies EVER.)  Scotcharoo bars.  Or the Best Birthday Cake ever! and Best Frosting EVER.  Soft chocolate chip cookies.  Homemade chocolate covered cherries.  All. Of. It.  I love it all.

8.  Pumpkin Pie Skinny Lattes, coffee, or warm caramel apple cider- Oh.  I love these drinks soooo much.  I love my Keurig coffee maker that makes my Pumpkin Spice coffee!  I love my coffee (with LOTS of creamer) (and Reddi-wip whipped cream).  The perfect way to start my morning is with a cup of my coffee (loaded w/ the creamer and whipped cream), curled up in my chair, with my favorite faux fur blanket, reading my Bible along with the IF:  Equip website (  Pure bliss.  Or drinking a Pumpkin Pie Skinny Latte while writing at one of my favorite places, Coffeesmiths.  Or making delicious warm caramel apple cider.  Oh.  A warm cup of comfort…perfect.

9.  Laughing – Whether it be a funny movie, such as ElfOld School, Dumb and Dumber or The Jerk.  Or watching old Saturday Night Live skits with Will Ferrell, or the Sweeney Sisters, or Chris Farley. Or browsing the humorous pins on Pinterest.  Or laughing with Hubby, the boys, my family, or friends…I’m always thankful for good ol’ belly laughs.

10.  Vacuum lines on our floor – I’m so thankful when we have vacuum lines on our carpet.  They are one of my favorites because it means that for at least ten minutes (but usually less), we have a clean floor that doesn’t have scraps of paper or potato chip crumbs all over it.

So there you have it.  Lots of things that I’m thankful for.  I hope you have time to reflect on all of the big and little things you are thankful for.  Wishing you a Happy Thanksgiving!


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