Dear Maxim,
I can hardly believe that today, our baby is nine years old! It seems like just yesterday you were in your bouncy chair on the deck, enjoying some great sunshine.
Every year on your birthday, I reminisce about your grand entrance into the world. Your big brother was so excited for you to arrive and Daddy and I were, too! And at the first sign of you wanting to arrive, you meant business and within three hours, TA-DAAAA! You were born on April 27, 2009. And our family was complete.
On your birthday, I always reflect about how blessed we are that God gave us YOU. Maxim, you are a joy and such a sweet blessing to our family and I’m so glad that I am your mama. ❤️
Love this boy!
Maxim, there are so many great qualities that make up you and always remember…God loves you tons and He has blessed you with so much!
I’ll list a few of the gifts you possess…
Tender hearted. Your heart is so sweet. I love how you are such a snuggle bug! Whether we are at a restaurant or at home on the couch, you always scooch closer and closer to me, until you’re leaning on me and snuggled right up next to me. And I love it! Another way you show your tender heart is when I walk you down to the bus stop each morning and as you sit in your seat and the bus heads off to the next stop, you look out the window and wave and smile at me. That melts this mama’s heart! Oh, Maxim. Your love for your family runs so deeply. And oh, we love you just as much! Also, you care for your friends and are so kind to them. Your tender heart is such a gift…keep being you!
Athleticism. My word, you can run fast and rebound a basketball and make a touchdown and run some more. God has blessed you and yet, you are humble and modest. Keep those values because that makes you shine even more. We are so proud of the caring athlete that you are and you are fiercely loyal to your teammates. Don’t change that and continue to keep working hard, never giving up!
The best little brother. You are the best little brother to Nate and you care for him so deeply. Dad and I are so happy that you and Nate are best buds. You guys love to explore in the woods together, challenge each other in a game of basketball, play Fortnite together, and have fun with Daisy (or Sissy Girl, as we call her). I’m so thankful that God gave us two boys who are best buds.
As I look back over the past year, I see how strong and courageous you have been when you battled a wound that wouldn’t heal for eleven months. Through every surgery, procedure, test, and so on…you showed that you are a fighter and don’t give up. God has made you even more brave than I could ever imagine. And praise God, that wound has finally healed completely. Maxim, you are one amazing boy.
I could go on and on about how grateful I am for you, Maxim Sage. But I’ll wrap up with the same words I said to Nate…
Continue to shine for Jesus and know that God has a plan for you, to give you a future and a hope (Jeremiah 29:11). We are so excited to see God continue to work in your life and we KNOW He has great plans for you!!! Here’s to an amazing year of being 9!!!
Happy 9th Birthday Maxim!!!
I love you!!! xoxo ~