Well, today is the boys’ last day of school. At 11:30, we will officially be on summer break. Praise the Lord in the Heavens and can I get a hallelujah? I can’t believe how this school year just flew by! We will have a soon-to-be 5th grader and 1st grader! (sniffle, sniffle…I’m wishing our babies wouldn’t grow up so fast!)
This week has been all sorts of crazy busy. With Hubby out of town for work, I manned down the fort and ran the boys to here and there and everywhere. I helped with Nate’s 4th grade End of Year Celeberation/Field Day on Tuesday. (My teacher skills came back as we lead the 4th grade classes in fun games. Think “Wrap the Mummy/Teacher”, Dizzy Bat Race, Obstacle Course, and more.) A very fun day!
Because I like to be fair…on Wednesday, I volunteered for Maxim’s Kindergarten End of Year Celebration. I was at the station were the kids danced to kids’ songs, played four corners, and ate sherbet/sprite treats called “Hurricanes”. I saw some great dance moves from those kindergartners. Hahaha
And as if End of Year Celebrations weren’t enough fun, I volunteered to read two books to each of the boys’ classes and bring snacks to share on those two days, too. I just LOVE LOVE LOVE reading to their classes.
Did I mention that I started a new Wednesday night Bible study for an awesome group of women? We are beginning the study “Seamless” by Angie Smith and I’m so excited about it!
Needless to say, it was busy. To prove my point…yesterday, I counted and it was the third day in a row that I wore my favorite jean capris (without washing them) (the dryer works wonders at getting out wrinkles) that I highlighted in last Friday’s post (Fun Friday Favorites: Some comfy, casual fashion). I’m just making sure I get my money’s worth out of them. #keepingitreal
With school getting out for the summer, I’m sure in typical Angela fashion, I will be trying to come up with some sort of schedule. I say that loosely. In all honesty, I do need some type of structure, so I’m sure I’ll type out some structured schedule and we’ll probably stick to it for about eight days. Because it’s hard for me to do something long term. But I’ll feel somewhat productive and believe I’m teaching our children how to be organized and have good time management skills because everyone’s got to start somewhere. I’ll get back to you about our ‘schedule’ for a typical summer day next week…when I’ve had enough time to think about it instead of cleaning out backpacks each night.
Now that you’ve been put to sleep by my rambling, I’ll jump right into Fun Friday Favorites.
1. Blue Bunny’s Champ! Cookies ‘n Cream ice cream treats –
These are too good. Period.
Okay. I’m going to tell you right now. These things are dangerous. I mean, they are so good that you will want one every single night. Personally, I don’t. BUT. Nate loves them. And because he has a metabolism that is on fire and he needs to put on more pounds, he’s allowed to eat these each night. (Doctor’s orders. Seriously.) On occasion, Hubby and I have enjoyed a cookies ‘n cream ice cream cone dessert. They are absolutely amazing and you’ll thank me for sharing about these decadent treats. I bought them at Fareway, but I’m sure other places have them.
2. Outshine strawberry or lemon fruit bars by Nestle –
These fruit bars are so good!
A yummy and refreshing treat.
Fareway and Target have these frozen fruit bars and they’re so good. Maxim loves to have one at night for his bedtime snack. I’ve tasted his and they are so refreshing. You’ll feel like your just eating frozen fruit. Definitely a must-have snack on hand and bonus..it is healthy for you.
3. Chocolate chip Clif Bars –
Great protein in these bars.
Yes. Another snack. Listen. When you’re gone as much as we are, you need things that you can take with you on the go. These bars are perfect because they are a great source of protein and they don’t taste weird or wacky. The boys have tried them and Nate actually is starting to love them as much as I do. A great breakfast when you’re rushing out the door, say…to go to the gym because you need to work off those calories you ate last night before bed (darn Cookies ‘n Cream ice cream cones).
4. Nate’s awesome school year –
Nate on his first day of 4th grade 🙂
I can’t believe that our first-born baby is finishing up fourth grade. Oh, my. I’m so proud of Nate and the great school year he had. He works hard and is always trying his best. I’m thrilled with the progress he has made in 4th grade. He makes us so proud.
5. Maxim’s fantastic school year –
Maxim on his first day of kindergarten 🙂
How can our baby of the family be finishing up kindergarten today? It seems like I took this picture yesterday. I am so proud of how well Maxim did in kindergarten. He always tries his best and is such a good student, doing what he’s suppose to and helping others. Maxim has learned so much in kindergarten and he makes us so proud.
A shorter list than normal of Fun Friday Favorites, but with the busy week, I just haven’t had time to peruse the internet for fashion must-haves. But celebrating our last day of school is equally as important as fashion. So, cheers to all of the kids and teachers and parents for having another successful school year!!!
Have a great weekend and we’ll see you next week when we can say….School’s out for summer!!!!