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Fun Friday Favorites: One-Mile Fun Run, Father’s Night Out, & mad for plaid

Thanks for sticking around another week with me.  I hope you’re enjoying this blog as much as I am.  Today, Maxim and I are off to his very last day of preschool with a field trip to the park with his classmates and teachers and parents.  (sniff, sniff, tear on cheek.)  Nate still has a few weeks left of school, but this weekend, we hope to enjoy the “kick-off to summer” a.k.a. Memorial Weekend with lots of fun outdoor time.

Now, for my Fun Friday Favorites.

1. I saw this outfit (well, the tops and necklace anyway) at Von Maur and I am mad for plaid.  This plaid shirt is made by Timing (an unknown brand to me, but the colors are perfect for summer!) and it’s under $30.  Also.  Love the coral Lush top underneath!  (This is the brand that I highlighted last Friday…love their tops!)  And the pop of turquoise is just perfect.  Cute with dark jeans or some white skinny jeans.  You can shop without leaving your home (or office or wherever you are at the moment reading this) at, so check them out!

Coral and pinks and a pop of turquoise

2.  I’m a sucker for a good t-shirt.  And this turquoise t-shirt is a new fave of mine because I love how it fits.  I got it at Von Maur and I wore it to my aunt’s birthday party last Saturday with a gray maxi skirt.  It is rather thin, so I put a white tank underneath, then dressed it up with lots of silver necklaces and bracelets.  I wish they had it in my ‘go-to’ color…gray.  Light gray.  Dark gray.  Any hue of gray.  But I was happy to add some color to my wardrobe.

Love this t-shirt by Tresics

3.  Ummm…can you say FAST?  I’ve mentioned once or five hundred times how fast our oldest son, Nate, is.  (Sorry to boast a little.  Ok, a lot.)  Well, yesterday, they had to run the Mile Run in gym class.  Here he is with his time…

Nate and his time in the mile run…6.58

You guys, I can’t even.  Seriously.  He’d beat me.  He ran the mile in 6.58.  Pretty proud of this little guy giving it all he had.


4.  Father’s Night at preschool – So, I’ve raved about HOW much I love Share and Care Preschool.  Well, another wonderful thing they do for the four-year olds is have a Father’s Night at the end of the year.  So, Maxim and Daddy went to preschool tonight for a special evening filled with fun, arts and crafts, kickball games, and making memories.  Maxim was so excited to have this night with his daddy.  We met Daddy at preschool in the parking lot after he got off work so, no…I did not plan the coordinating outfits, but.  How darling!!!

Father’s Night at preschool

5.  Mommy and Nate night.  Since Maxim had his special night at preschool with Daddy, Nate and I got to spend time together, just the two of us.  We ran a few errands, drove thru Chick-fil-A, then hit Orange Leaf for Prairie Ridge night because who couldn’t use a little frozen yogurt for dessert??  It was fun to visit with him about his Mile Run in gym and talk about who the fastest girl in his class was, hearing about the feisty crayfish in Science class, and how he only ‘touched’ the crayfish, but did NOT pick them up because the little crayfish was super feisty and made the big crayfish’s eyes bug out.  Oh, 3rd grade…I love it.

Enjoying our frozen yogurt at Orange Leaf

6.  Because everybody needs a laugh.  Maya Rudolph had her Variety Show on NBC this week.  The clip is funny!  It’s the Garmyn’s episode.  Check it out on Youtube.

The Garmyn’s episode on the Maya Rudolph show

7.  Amnesty Day – On Tuesday, our town had this awesome day where they let you put all sorts of junk out on the curb and they’d haul it away.  For Free.  It’s a once-a-year-gift.  So, I cleaned out our garage like a mad woman on Tuesday morning. Yes.  This happened to be on the same day as Amnesty Day.  Because that would require too much planning for me to do it earlier.  And honestly.  I work better under pressure.  Hubby, on the other hand, was a little more prepared.  Monday night, he was hauling stuff to the curb in preparation for the next day.  (Only to have me get home and see what he put on the curb.  Then, sneak it back into our garage.  Because I am NOT throwing away a perfectly good riding toy that may or may not be used someday by a little one.  Or may or may not be sold someday at a garage sale that I’ve sworn over and over that I won’t have because they are too much work for the whopping earnings of approximately $51.35.)  But overall, I went to town.  And, Maxim was right there to help out, as well.  He was killing ants, using a little dust pan and broom, sorting Nerf guns and baseball equipment.  We worked HARD.  One shower door, one worn out jogging stroller that had caramel accidentally thrown on it because one Christmas I burnt the caramel and tried to throw it into the garbage can in our garage, only to miss and have it smear down the side of the jog stroller, and about 7 bags of junk.  That’s a good portion of what we got rid of.  And after all of that, our garage is looking much better.  Even Nate’s best buddy came over that afternoon and HE complimented me on how nice the garage looked.

Have a wonderful weekend!


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