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Fun Friday Favorites: Jodi K’s, wonderful candles, and sweet family moments

Well, we’ve had a busy week of completing our decorating for Christmas (I hope you enjoyed my home tour A Christmas Tour of Lights), breaking out the cute wintery flannel sheets, and doing the usual 273 loads of laundry.  AND.  I’m pleased to announce that in the next week or so, I’ll be sharing some of my very favorite baking recipes.  Just to whet your appetite, think of the BEST frosted sugar cookies with the BEST frosting ever, Oreo Balls, peanut butter balls, and Mrs. Claus’ Caramels.  Mmmmmm…I absolutely love baking sweets and treats during the Christmas season.  I may make a few other goodies I love, if time allows (chocolate covered cherries, butter crunch, and the delicious Caramel Chex Mix).  Stay tuned as I go all Martha Stewart or Betty Crocker on you.  You’ll love the recipes!

As for this week, I’m ready to share my Fun Friday Favorites!

1.  The darling “Olivia M.” cardigan from Jodi K’s Women’s Fashion Boutique –

I ADORE this cardigan!!

If you’ve never shopped at Jodi K’s, then stop. right. there.  Drop what you’re doing and walk RUN to her spectacular women’s boutique.

Jodi is a friend of mine who I happened to meet through Hubby.  Her brother happens to be Hubby’s boss and when she opened her store a few years ago, I was thrilled to be able to show support to this amazing family by doing something I love…shopping. 🙂  Along with high-end women’s clothing, you can find awesome accessories.  I LOVE her bracelets and necklaces, along with darling scarves and other great fashion finds.  Plus, I love the whole idea of shopping local to support our local community.  Check her Facebook page out:  Jodi K’s Boutique

Anyway, I stopped into her store the other day and immediately saw the cardigan posted above.  LOVE IT.  It is just a perfect cardigan!  (I might have mentioned a time or two to Jodi that if she’d like to let Hubby know about this darling cardigan…BY ALL MEANS.  Please do.)  I’m hoping to find it under my tree this Christmas.  In the ever-so-stylish Jodi K wrapping, complete with a beautiful bow…they gift wrap so this is a win-win for everyone.  I get great clothes and Hubby doesn’t have to wrap.

2.  Brown faux fur “Uncle Frank” vest from Jodi K’s –

Love this vest!!!

Okay, you know me and fur vests.  I love them.  It was hard to put this vest back on the hanger and walk away.  It just begged to be bought, but again…I’m trusting Hubby to do some great Christmas shopping for me at Jodi K’s and I’ll be tickled if this is wrapped up and placed under our tree.  This vest would look great with skinny jeans, like you see in the picture.  Or perhaps leggings.  And of course, with boots.

3.  Gray poncho from Jodi K’s –

Such an easy look…throw on the poncho and go!

I saw this and loved it.  Gray?  You had me at hello.  I can see this being so easily worn…just throw it on over a long sleeve white t and pair it with some jeans…you’ve got yourself a darling casual outfit for the day.  This poncho is so reasonably priced, as well.

4.  Eggnog Candle by Tallulah & Mim Soy Candle Co. –


The best smelling candle!

Friends.  THIS candle.  It’s one of my very favorite candles.  My sister-in-law, Angie, has the Tallulah & Mim soy candle line that she owns and she has been making these candles for many years.  These soy candles burn so well and the scent is just wonderful.  I love so many of her candles.  If you’re interested in purchasing them, contact her at:  Or if you live near me, contact me.  I will be placing an order next Wednesday (December 10th) and I can get you whatever scents and sizes you need.  They make awesome Christmas gifts, but I guarantee…you’ll buy one (or three) for yourself, as well.  They are just THAT good.  The candles come in two sizes (I have the large one in the picture):  medium ($16) or large ($22).

The large candle next to a Kleenex box so you can see the size 🙂

I just happen to have a list of available candles that she makes:

almond rum cake buttered rum carrot cake eggnog home….crisp citrus with warm winter spices & vanilla hazelnut cappuccino harvet north wood pine nanny’s kitchen… almond & cinnamon bakery scent sea salt caramel winter wonderland…coriander, lavender, cedar wood, vetiver & baltic amber (clean & winter type smell) white tea  (this is one of my year-round favorites!)

5.  Elfie –

We love Elfie!!

Listen.  I’m completely aware that this whole Elf on the Shelf business is just as much for the parents as it is for the kids.  I can’t help it.  I love our elf, Elfie.  I adore the creativity of it all and having Elfie do fun things at our home.  Golly, I’m enjoying it as much as Nate and Maxim are!  (Except for Wednesday morning, when I woke up and realized that Elfie needed to fly back to the North Pole and then be in a new spot before the boys woke up.  That was a close one.  But he flew like a crazy elf and was in a new spot before the boys woke.)  You may not have kids at home anymore, but I say DO it.  Get an Elf on the Shelf for your home.  Then, when your kids come home from college or the grandchildren come over, you and your Elf on a Shelf can have some FUN!  It brings a little bit of magic to the Christmas season.

6.  Nate and his appreciation for EVERY kind of Christmas movie –

It’s so funny…the apple doesn’t fall far from the tree.  It’s no secret that I LOVE Christmas like no other.  And that I LOVE Christmas movies.  Well.  Nate is taking after his mama.  Every night, he asks “Can we watch a Christmas movie?”  To which I respond, “Sure!”  To which Daddy responds, “Seriously?  You guys.  I don’t know if I can take this.  It’s December 2nd and we’ve got weeks before it’s Christmas.  Do we need to watch Christmas movies ALL the time?”  To which Nate and I respond with a “YES!”  Over the past week, we’ve watched Santa Claus 3, Grandma Got Ran Over By a Reindeer (not a favorite of ours), Mickey’s Once Upon a Christmas…just to name a few.  Though when football comes on, the vote swings towards watching football.  Then, I just resort to reading my Hometown Christmas cookbook by Gooseberry Patch (a great cookbook that I highly recommend).  But I love how much Nate is a Christmas movie junkie…just like me.  Love our Nater!

7.  Date night with Maxim –

Since our baby has started kindergarten, I’ve missed our little Panera lunch dates and Target runs and just being with Maxim.  Last year, we were together all the time and this mama loved it.  So, the other night, Nate had basketball practice and Maxim was starving for Panera.  So, while Nate was happily shootin hoops with his team and practicing his dribbling skills, Maxim and I made a quick run to Panera.  Once we ordered our supper, Maxim picked out a spot for us to sit at.  He picked a booth.  For BOTH of us to sit in.  As in, on the same side.  Right next to each other.  LOVE this little guy.  If you know Maxim, then you know that when we eat together, within minutes, his plate is right next to mine.

Date night with Maxim 🙂

And this is how close he likes to sit next to his mama…love this little boy!

If we are sitting in a booth, he squeezes right up next to me.  Never mind that we have a WHOLE booth.  He wants to sit right. next. to. me.  (There have been times that he just goes ahead and tries to sit right up on my lap.)  I know that someday, this will change.  So for now, I’m going to savor every moment of him sitting practically ON me and wanting to eat right next to me.  Love Maxim and his sweet, cuddly ways.

As we head into the weekend, I hope you’ll check out Jodi K’s.  Or message me about wanting to purchase some of the best candles ever.  Get some more Christmas shopping done and maybe start baking!  And of course, watch some Christmas movies and cuddle up with a great blanket or with those you love.  Have a wonderful weekend!


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