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Fun Friday Favorites: 45 years and still…the BEST is yet to come!

Today is a SUPER special day. It’s Hubby’s birthday! He is 45 years old and looking as smokin’ hot as EVER. #boom

I intended on writing a typical Fun Friday Favorites post with great fashion and a recipe and family life, but then. As I pondered this special day (you know me…birthdays are HUGE. We celebrate birthdays ALL. WEEKEND. LONG.), I felt that writer’s nudge. And so, today, this post is to honor Hubby. I hope you enjoy it! And thanks to Twitter…I know he’ll read it, too 🙂 Pssst…on Twitter? follow me at @angela_banae  🙂

45 years ago, on this day, Patrick entered the world. While I don’t know all the details since I wasn’t born yet, I’m sure he was the perfect baby boy that his mom and dad were hoping for. With big sister, Angie, to welcome him into the world, life was awesome!

I’d say that Hubby was one DARLING little baby (and please ignore the carpet at the top of his baby picture…#notaprophotographer)…

Seriously. How cute is Patrick??! #adorbs

What a cute two year old! And look at darling big sis, Angie 🙂

When we’re young, we think life can’t get any better. Patrick loved the home-cooked meals from his mom, playing with his toys, and even hanging out with his pet goose named Gilly. Yes. Life was good.

A little time goes by and you get a little older. School starts. Life is even a little more grand because you realize you’re a phenomenal artist who can color up a piece of paper like no other.

When you start drawing animals, you know you’ve become a top-notch artist…

Life continues to get better and better because every year, you get to take those lovely school pictures and get new haircuts. And glasses.

Oh. my. cuteness.

Such a handsome little guy 🙂

Smiles galore 🙂

Just when you think life is so good, you begin playing sports. Patrick fell in love with basketball.

A future basketball star 🙂

Dan and Carol talk about how Patrick would go out every.single.night and shoot hoops in the barn or in the drive. He was always always ALWAYS practicing his game of basketball. Maybe that’s why he was Iowa Valley’s third all-time leading scorer for many years. Being the third all-time leading scorer is pretty cool, I’d say. #baller #braggingwife

Between family, friends, sports, and hunting…life was good.

Patrick and his grandpa

Junior high came along and once Patrick started playing football, he was in heaven. By the time high school hit, as Styx would say, Patrick was having “the best of times” between the love of sports and hanging with his buddies.

#22…stud muffin

Class of ’90 #seniorpic

After Patrick’s senior year, he went off to college. He was recruited by different colleges, but chose Central College in Pella, Iowa. (Good choice, I say…considering that’s where we met.) He wanted to play football and Coach Schipper was excited to have Patrick on his team. #GoDutch

At Central, Patrick made some amazing friends…some of the best friendships of his life.

Big Studs on Campus…Patrick, Brian, Bill, and Brad

20+ years later and still hanging out 🙂

Between football, hanging out with the guys, and being the life of the party (literally), Patrick probably thought life couldn’t get any better. Should I insert this next statement?…And then, he met me…Hahaha.


Between football, going to formal with me, and even dressing up as Tarzan and Jane for my sorority Halloween party, life. was. good. Not to mention, Patrick was pursuing an elementary education degree.

Patrick and his Grandpa Davis

My sorority formal. Let’s take a moment of silence for that dark hair I had…

After college, Patrick got his first “real job” teaching kindergarten at Taylor Elementary in Cedar Rapids. With his brand NEW white Honda Civic, a new teaching job, and the two of us still dating, life was good.

Eventually, after seven and a half (can I say LOOOOONG) years of dating, we got married.

June 17, 2000

One of the best. days. ever.

And life was GREAT! We lived in an apartment in Middle Amana for about four years. Then, we built our home in Walford. And life. was. good.

All through these years, I’ve loved living life with you. Whether it be fishing…

You always have been the better fisherman than me 🙂

Or seeing how excited you were that you shot a big buck…

Or riding the Ranger, our snowmobiles, camping, and so much more…we’ve loved life.

In March of 2005, our first son, Nate arrived. Becoming a daddy for the first time was an all-time favorite moment EVER in Patrick’s life. Seeing him love our newborn son made my heart just a big puddle of mush. #bestdad

Life continued to be great and in April of 2009, we welcomed our second son, Maxim. Once again, this was an all-time favorite moment for Patrick as he became a proud daddy of our second child. And life has just kept on getting better and better.

From raising our boys, to vacations, to just hanging out…it’s been the BEST.

Family vacation to Mount Rushmore

At our first NFL game. Go Steelers!!!!

And that’s what I’ve realized. Hon, we’ve been together for over half of your life (almost 24 years). Just when we think, “Life can’t get any better than this!”, God surprises us. He always has so many great things in store.

As you turn 45 today, I want you to know, that life is only going to get better and better. Even though we can’t imagine it getting any better than this because we are so blessed.

1 Corinthians 2:9 “Eye has not seen, nor ear heard, Nor have entered into the heart of man the things which God has prepared for those who love Him.”

Hubby…God has so many MORE blessings for you!

The first 45 years of your life have been wonderful! And we can’t even comprehend how AWESOME the next 45 years of your life will be!

I’m so proud of the man you are, the husband you are, and the daddy you are. YOU are a gift to so many of us. On this day. Your day. May you be blessed greatly.

Happy Birthday Patrick! I love you always and forever more ~ xo Angela


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