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Favorite apps on my phone

Well, it’s the era of smart phones, an app for everything, and technology at the touch of your fingers. Just think, “Back to the Future” movie lovers…Marty McFly and Doc would be floored at what our world offers in this day and age.

Today, I thought I’d share some of my favorite apps that I have on my phone. The only requirement I have for you, dear friend…please. Share one of your favorite apps! Because as you will see, this is probably NOT the most highly sought after apps, but they are good ones according to the world of Angela Banae. (Hey. I never claimed to be the techie friend. Fashion and baking? Yes. I have lots to offer. Technology? Well. We all know that is not my forte.)

So, here are the apps I use on my phone:

First, you have the OBVS.

1. Facebook and Facebook Messenger –

Facebook. A MUST if one wants to stay current with what’s going on in their friends’ lives. Facebook Messenger lets you message your Facebookies quickly.

2. Instagram –

Instagram. Your viewing social media site. It’s like eye candy. Not a lot to read. Just scroll through and look at pics. I joined Instagram in May. Yes. I’m fully aware that the rest of the world was Instagramming way before me, but have I mentioned that I’m not real techie? And I saw this as “one more thing to check”. I still don’t get on Instagram daily, but hey. We’ve all got goals, right?

3. Pinterest –

Well. I have no idea what is at the bottom of this Pinterest picture, but don’t focus on that. Focus on the Pinterest portion #technologyerror  ANYWAY. I love Pinterest and when waiting in the doctor’s office or at practice for one of the boys, sometimes, I will scroll through Pinterest in hopes of becoming inspired enough to cook something besides walking tacos. Pinterest is awesome. If you aren’t following me, check me out!

Then, you have your news app.

4. KCRG –

KCRG. My “go-to” for local news

I use KCRG because this is our local news and they offer:  1. up-to-date weather (VERY important. This determines what outfit I will wear today and how much humidity-control I’ll need to be doing with my hair.) 2. breaking news (I like to be informed) and 3. other news.

5. AccuWeather –

I’m a weather junkie. I love knowing what the temp will be at 1:00, 3:00, 5:00, and then around supper at 6:00. Want to know when a storm will be rolling in? Check the KCRG local radar OR AccuWeather’s radar and you’ll know all about that storm. One can never have too much weather information.

6. One Place –

I LOVE this app. (Again, I tried to edit the pic to take the bottom app off and it didn’t work.) (Just focus on app One Place.) #technologystruggles  WELL. This app is so encouraging because you have about 15 different preachers at your finger tips to listen to their latest series they are preaching on. Dr. Tony Evans (Priscilla Shirer’s dad) is my FAV. Right now, he’s doing a series on “The Armor of God” and MAN, can that brother preach!! I listen to these little ‘podcasts’ or ‘sermons’ or whatever you want to call them when driving in the car or folding laundry at home. Dr. Tony Evans and the Urban Alternative is his station on this app AND…he will give you so much encouragement in about 25 minutes, that you’ll have more hope and joy in your day.  Guaranteed…you’ll glean so much wisdom from this app. I also like to listen to Dr. James Dobson’s Family Talk. There are so many great choices on this app.


7. Bible –

This is a great app to have and you can type in any words to search for a Bible verse. Also, you can pick which version you’d like (New King James Version, ESV, etc…).

8. Pts. Calculator with weight and exercise tracker –

I don’t have this actually one, but a similar app. I think my app might be outdated, but having a points plus app with exercise tracker is what I use when I’m wanting to keep track of my eating. (Think Weight Watchers.) Currently, I’m not using this app. I’m just trying to make healthier choices and exercise more. But an app like this might help you to eat healthier and exercise more. (Or just get a Fit Bit like my hubby…he loves using that to log in his exercise hours!)

9. Shazam –

Ever in a store or in the car and hear a song come on and you have no idea who sings it, but you’d like to know? Hit your Shazam app and it’ll tell you the name of the song and who sings it. A MUST for music lovers like myself.

10. Retail-Me-Not –

This app will pull up the latest and greatest coupons for a store you are wanting to shop at. I’ll pull into the parking lot at Hobby Lobby and I’ll hear a cash register sound on my phone. This app is just working on helping me save a little money. It pulls up all the stores in that area and gives me the latest coupons. #brilliant

11. Cartwheel by Target –

Well. Who doesn’t want to save a little money at Target? I DO! Unfortunately, many times, I will show my Cartwheel app to the cash register clerk and I’ll save $1.18 on my $160 bill. Big savings. BIG. (sarcasm at it’s finest.) On occasion, I’ll save about $3.28. BUT. Any money saved is a win win. I only wish I wasn’t frantically scrolling through the Cartwheel app in the check-out line, trying to scroll through all of the groceries BEFORE the cash register clerk is finished ringing up my groceries. Yah. This app and I have a love/hate relationship.

12. Pixlr Express –

This is a fun app if you’d like to add things to photos you’ve taken. Perhaps a frayed black border? Or words on top of your photo? This app makes sharing your pictures so much fun because they aren’t just plain pictures. They are snazzy and jazzy pictures after using this app.

There you have it. Some of my favorite apps I use on my iPhone. So many options for these technology days that we live in.  🙂


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