For the past forty-something years, I’ve loved birthdays. Not just my birthdays (though I REALLY love celebrating my birthday), but birthdays of all my loved ones. I thank my mom for this. Growing up, birthdays were a big deal and she always made sure we knew how loved we were, especially on our birthday.
There are so many things I love about birthdays. First and foremost, it’s being blessed with another year of life. You all. To live another day on our wonderful earth is a gift. We went to a funeral on Saturday to celebrate Hubby’s uncle’s life. He was a wonderful man and Heaven gained a great man when Everett passed. Being at Uncle Everett’s funeral on my birthday reminded me that God is such a loving God to give us the gift of life.
Of course, presents have always been fun to open on one’s day of birth. Yes. I’m a sucker for a birthday gift. I love the pretty wrapping paper. The colorful bow. Or the shiny bag with pretty tissue peeking out. Gifts are fun, no matter what age.
And then you have the cake. GOOD birthday cake. Friends, this was always very important when celebrating a birthday at our house. I loved getting to pick out what I wanted on my cake. I had the usual cursive “Happy Birthday Angela” written on my cake, or the Care Bears birthday cake when I was in about 3rd grade, hearts and flowers on a girly cake, and more birthday cakes than I can even remember. But good, and I mean GOOD birthday cake is a must. That’s why I wrote about The BEST cake ever on my blog back when I first began blogging. And I shared the Best frosting EVER recipe, too. A good birthday cake and frosting is of utmost importance.
Well, my birthday week (because I try to celebrate all week long, including into this week) was nice. I received beautiful fall mums, a darling bracelet, Starbucks gift cards, and more of my favs. Texts, phone calls, Facebook wishes, and cards made my heart full and all BIG. I just felt extremely blessed.
Hubby and the boys…they showered me with lots of love and some of my favorite things, too! Last Saturday morning, on my actual birthday, Hubby and the boys helped me celebrate by showering me with hugs, kisses, and a few gifts. It. Was. Great.
In all of this birthday talk, here’s what I’ll have you know.
The day before my birthday, the boys and I were in Target and they were excited to get me a birthday gift. So, I gave them some cash and told them I’d meet them by the front door. Then, I watched as two sweet little boys scurried off to birthday shop for their mama. I love what this was teaching our boys. Not that you have to buy expensive gifts. No. But showing them how important it is to think of others. When Nate and Maxim are older, I want them to think of their wife and children on their birthdays. Pick out something to show that you took the time and were thinking of that birthday person. If you have kiddos, I highly recommend you do this. Unless they get to go with their daddy to birthday shop. But this year, Hubby was busy and it didn’t work to take the boys, so he shopped on his own. This was a great way to have Nate and Maxim begin working on shopping and money skills, being caring, and being creative. 🙂
Off Nate and Maxim went, looking for the ‘perfect’ birthday gift for their mom. About ten or fifteen minutes later, they were through the check-out lane with their purchases wrapped in bags that weren’t see through. No peeking here! Once home, they ran to Nate’s room where they put the gifts into used gift bags we had. I was almost like a little kid again, excited to see what THEY had picked out for me. But I waited until Saturday morning.
Saturday morning, we got ready for the funeral and before we scooted out the door, Hubby and the boys gave me the birthday gifts they had picked out for me.
The boys and me 🙂
Look at the gifts Nate and Maxim picked out…just for me! They know me well…a pumpkin pillow and doormat…house decor! And some hair clips 🙂
I loved opening the gifts the boys got for me. And Hubby did a great job, too. 🙂
We loaded up the car and our car drive was quality time together. I heard my favorite go-to karaoke song TWICE…”Hit Me With Your Best Shot”, Hubby and I listened to tons of ’80s music, I had my coffee…it was a good time with my three favorite boys.
After our drive to Omaha to celebrate Uncle Everett’s life and visiting with Hubby’s family, we drove back home. But instead of coming back to our house, we ended up staying at Mom & Papa’s that night. We were having a family birthday celebration the next day with my brother Ben and Tara and their girls, Grandma Helen, and Mom & Papa, so we decided to stay Saturday night to eliminate more driving time on Sunday.
And Mom did what ever good mama does…she had a birthday cake waiting for me.
Hubby, the boys, and me
Awwww…a birthday gift from Mom & Papa 🙂
Birthday hugs from Papa and yes…Nate, photo bombed the pic 🙂
I went to bed with a full heart. Thankful for another year that God has given me. I’m so blessed and I’m happy to report two things:
40’s are the new cool.
The best is yet to come.
I’ve been blessed beyond measure over the past 41 years. And as I celebrate turning 42, I’m excited to experience this new year of life and excited to see all that the Lord has planned for me! I pray you feel the same way…our Lord has great things planned for your life, too! ~ xo Angela Banae