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Back to life. Back to reality.

Test.  Test.  Hello.  Can you hear me?  Is this microphone on?

Just making sure this computer is still working.

Because I haven’t been blogging in like…FOREVER.  My sincere apologies dear friends.  In all honesty, last week, I was just trying to live up every moment of summer before school started last Wednesday.

What does that look like, you ask?  Well.  Doing never-ending laundry, cooking for hungry boys, cleaning, picking up toys that are all over the floor, taking them to the pool and throwing all caution to the wind because I let one of our boys get THREE Kit-Kats.  In one day.  And the other get a Kit-Kat and the largest Pixy Stick EVER.  And I didn’t even worry about the one hour rule before letting them go back into the water.  Nope.  We were living it up like crazy.

One might say that I was just being a cruise director on the Fun Ship.  Well folks, the ship has sailed.  Because school started on Wednesday for Nate and Thursday for Maxim.  Now, it’s serious business around the Patterson household.

Bedtimes are being enforced.  Healthy eating is being promoted.  School work is high on the priority list of what to do.  We are on high alert…reading books are mandatory.  Reality has hit and we are feeling it.

You may be wondering what is a mama to do now that her cherubs are off to school?  First of all, I spent the most part of Thursday (Maxim’s first day of kindergarten) keeping busy and trying not to cry.  And I did pretty good.  Friday (Day 2 of the Don’t Cry Plan) I did fine, but it was weird not having my little sidekick with me as I ran errands that afternoon.

And now, I’m looking down the barrel of a full week of this new reality.  It’s so strange to be in a new season of life.


Being the disciplined, task-oriented person that I am (expect for NOT), I have set some goals for myself.

First of all, I plan to work out each morning before the boys are even up.  People.  If you know me, then you know…this is not going to be easy.  Because night owl.  I love staying up late writing and reading.  But I’m going to try it.  I bought the T25 program and I am loving how it is only 25 minutes of my day.  Right in my own living room.  (If you’re interested, Facebook my friend Mandy Young.  She is a great coach and so encouraging!  Mandy can set you up.)

I’m hoping to be back up and blogging three times a week or more on here.  Because I really love this.  And I hope I’m encouraging you, dear friend.  Making you laugh a little, encouraging you to look for the little things that bring us joy, and sharing recipes and other important things…like fashion.  Have you missed me as much as I’ve missed you?  (Don’t answer that if it’s, “No.”  Because I’m somewhat fragile with our baby going off to kindergarten and I don’t think I can handle harsh truths right now.)

Words are running a muck in my mind so I need to get back to writing more chapters for my book.  It’s weird to say “for my book”, but as we all know…you must have faith.  Believe in your dreams.  Sweet story alert.  The other day, Nate and Maxim had their buddy Brock over to play.  Nate asked if I was working on my book.  Brock was so sweet and asked, “You’re writing a book?  Gosh!  I’ll buy it.  When is it coming out?”  See.  Faith like a child.  That’s what we need to have when we dream.  (On a funny note, a day or two later, Brock was playing with the boys and he asked me “if I had my book done yet”.  Bless him.)

Along with volunteering at school and being a better meal planner who actually COOKS, I hope to work on other projects around the house.  Perhaps the boys’ baby books.  Oh, friends.  Don’t judge.  And getting photos printed and put in an album instead of having to gather around the computer screen to look at pictures.

Yes.  I have plenty of things to do to keep me busy.  But.  I’m never too busy to turn down a coffee date.  Because Pumpkin Pie Lattes are just amazing.  And Pumpkin Spice Lattes are coming back in ONE WEEK.  So, Coffeesmiths or Starbucks.  Whatever.  Wherever.  I will sacrificially set aside my piles of laundry to meet you.  Because I can only handle so much of this quiet reality now that school is in session.


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