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Angela Banae Patterson
Dec 14, 20154 min read
Book proposals, performances, and pajama pants
Isn’t that a catchy title? What do all three of those things have in common? Hold on, I’m about to tell you. Let me share what we’ve been...

Angela Banae Patterson
Jul 3, 20153 min read
Fun Friday Favorites: Some small town favorites
Yesterday, we were in my hometown of New Sharon…otherwise known as “God’s Country”. Seriously. It’s just that good. 🙂 My favorites...

Angela Banae Patterson
Apr 8, 20154 min read
Weekend Recap: Easter FUN and The Golden Egg Hunt
I had every intention of posting about our weekend on Monday, but between book writing and “I’m going to work out to lose some of these...

Angela Banae Patterson
Apr 3, 20154 min read
Fun Friday Favorites: All kinds of Easter goodness and an easy recipe
Today’s Fun Friday Favorites are all about Easter. I’ll highlight some Easter fashion because everyone loves a new outfit for Easter...

Angela Banae Patterson
Mar 17, 20153 min read
A list of random things
I am going off the beaten path and today’s blog post is a list of things. Because sometimes a list is just fun to read. 1. I’ve...

Angela Banae Patterson
Mar 6, 20154 min read
Fun Friday Favorites: Luck o’ the Irish
My whole intentions were to highlight Easter decor today. Maybe it’s because I finally took down all of the the winter decorations on...

Angela Banae Patterson
Jan 30, 20157 min read
Fun Friday Favorites: Valentine’s Day stuff and oh…some new tires
I realize how classy (except NOT) the title of this blog post sounded. Valentine’s Day stuff. Really? Well, I didn’t want to just say...

Angela Banae Patterson
Jan 9, 20155 min read
Fun Friday Favorites: Board games, perfume, and Oreo Balls
It’s been blustery cold here. Between all of the late starts, early dismissals, and “Snow Day”/no school…it’s hard for me to get back...

Angela Banae Patterson
Dec 31, 20145 min read
Christmas Recap…great gifts and bad casseroles
Merry Christmas and Happy New Year! From my darling Hubby and our two boys and me…the gal with the eye glitch in the picture. For the...

Angela Banae Patterson
Dec 24, 20142 min read
Merry Christmas!
It’s Christmas Eve and I’ve been pondering the Christmas story. It’s one that I never get tired of hearing. Mary & Joseph traveling to...

Angela Banae Patterson
Dec 22, 20145 min read
Weekend Recap: Frosted Sugar Cookie Recipe and Christmas festivities have begun!
I’ve very aware that after last Tuesday’s I love 80’s Christmas music post, I fell off the face of the earth and was nowhere to be seen...

Angela Banae Patterson
Dec 1, 20145 min read
Weekend Recap: Thanksgiving, crazy shopping, and little bit of decorating
I hope you all had a wonderful Thanksgiving, full of turkey, pumpkin pie, and GREEN BEAN CASSEROLE. I can’t tell you how much I love...

Angela Banae Patterson
Jun 16, 20142 min read
Weekend Recap: Our Father’s Day weekend…trophies, trucks, and tractors.
We had a nice weekend, but I have to be honest. I need to apologize now because this post is not very entertaining, so you may want to...

Angela Banae Patterson
May 27, 20144 min read
Weekend Recap: I might be in the next hot dog eating contest…
Well, it was another weekend of fun for our household. And yes, this is a Weekend Recap post, not the normal Take a Trip Tuesday post...

Angela Banae Patterson
May 12, 20144 min read
Mother’s Day 2014: Carbs, cards, and boys that care
It was another busy weekend for us, but yesterday, we celebrated Mother’s Day like no other. Well, maybe I should preface it and say I...
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